
How To Make A Piggy Bank

How To Make A Piggy Bank

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Papier-mâché is a French word. And translated into Russian, it means chewed paper. Toys, mannequins, dishes, various decorative elements are made of it. And now we will consider how to make a piggy bank in the shape of some cute animal from papier-mâché

How To Make Artificial Trees

How To Make Artificial Trees

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Decorative miniature bonsai trees can be a wonderful decoration for both home and office. Growing artificial trees can be quite time consuming. However, any person can make artificial trees with their own hands from natural material. Instructions Step 1 Bonsai, created by hand, externally practically will not differ in any way from a living tree

How To Make Helium

How To Make Helium

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Norman Lockyer is the scientist who discovered helium in the world. After all, it was he who in 1868, studying the emitted light of atoms in the prominences of the sun, noticed a number of unknown spectral lines. Numerous attempts to obtain such lines in laboratory conditions did not bring success, from which Lockyer concluded that he had discovered a new element, which he called helium, from the Greek

How To Make A Letter Box

How To Make A Letter Box

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The cash register of letters and numbers is undoubtedly a necessary thing for a preschooler or primary school student. But if earlier they could be bought in any store, now it is almost impossible to find a good convenient cash register in a store

How To Make T-shirt Stickers

How To Make T-shirt Stickers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Monochromatic clothes sometimes turn out to be boring and uninteresting, and buying a T-shirt with bright prints in a store, you risk meeting a person in the same clothes in the company. You can diversify your wardrobe with designer prints on T-shirts

How To Make An Arrowhead

How To Make An Arrowhead

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

An arrow is a projectile for archery or crossbow shooting. One of the most important elements of the boom is the arrowhead. Historically, the best in terms of penetration and hitting accuracy is the faceted shape of the tip. Scythians were the first to cast faceted bronze arrowheads

How To Make A Knife Out Of Wood

How To Make A Knife Out Of Wood

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Knives are different: kitchen hunting … And there are wooden knives. Remember when we were children we played like that? And today, for role-playing games in knights and heroes, boys need a whole arsenal of piercing and cutting weapons. And of course, the safest way is to make swords, knives, sabers and lances from wood

How To Make Paper Old

How To Make Paper Old

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

For decoration work, you may need sheets of aged paper. On such paper, you can print a photo on a printer to make it more original. On old sheets you can make cards or invitations, write a menu for a festive dinner on them. It is necessary Tea-brewed paper

How To Make A Dragon Out Of Paper

How To Make A Dragon Out Of Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Origami originated in the 1-2 century AD in China, where paper was invented, and by the 6th century it migrated to Japan, where it found its second homeland. Dragons are considered one of the most popular topics in the art of folding paper figures

How To Make Paper Furniture

How To Make Paper Furniture

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Every girl who plays with dolls dreams of beautiful doll furniture that can be used to furnish a doll house. It is not necessary to buy ready-made furniture in the store - you will get a lot of pleasure if you fold paper doll furniture with your child

How To Cut A Butterfly Out Of Paper

How To Cut A Butterfly Out Of Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Butterfly wings have always attracted people with their elegance, so images of these insects often adorn the clothes and hair of fashionistas, interiors and a variety of objects, they are captured in jewelry. Make a simple paper butterfly with your child - this activity perfectly develops fine motor skills of the hands

How To Embroider An Embroidered Shirt

How To Embroider An Embroidered Shirt

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Despite the fact that the history of clothing embroidery goes back more than one millennium, nowadays traditional ways of decorating wardrobe items are also relevant. This is confirmed by the fact that Ukrainian shirts - embroidered shirts are coming into fashion

How To Make A Wallet With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Wallet With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Small antique wallets have ceased to be a collectible and have become a relevant and fashionable vintage accessory for many modern girls and women. In the most advantageous situation there are girls who got such wallets from their parents and grandparents - the rest have to look for old wallets in antique shops, in markets, at auctions, and of course, with the proper ability to sew themselves

How To Make Vampire Fangs

How To Make Vampire Fangs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If life has become boring or there is nothing to do, you can devote your free business to making vampire fangs - a great way to have fun! It is necessary disc with the movie "Interview with the Vampire" as a sample view, soft plastic, cotton swab, nail glue, in some cases breath freshener Instructions Step 1 Catch a vampire, pull out his fangs b use it to your health

How To Make A Hang Glider

How To Make A Hang Glider

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The manufacture of a hang glider is a must for those involved in this sport. Consider the most affordable way to make a classic hang glider. It is necessary Metal tubes for the frame, cables, durable canvas, 2 wheels. Instructions Step 1 To make it, you will need several basic parts:

How To Make Phosphorus

How To Make Phosphorus

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

From the earliest years, many of us often came across various toys, some of which had the "magical" power of glow in the dark. With age, we began to understand many truths, one of which was the discovery that that magical radiance is nothing more than white phosphorus

How To Make A Lasso

How To Make A Lasso

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Lasso - from the Spanish "loop", "lasso", "lariat" rope with a loop tied at one end. The hinge is a sliding knot that can be pulled or pulled. Lasso is considered an attribute of American cowboys. There are several ways to tie a lasso, the most common knots are Flemish and Honda

How To Make A Katana At Home

How To Make A Katana At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The katana is a long, slightly curved two-handed sword invented and made for the first time in Japan. He was one of the weapons of the samurai. After Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill, the katana began to interest many. How to make a katana yourself?

DIY Wedding Photo Album

DIY Wedding Photo Album

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A wedding is one of the most important and beautiful days in a person's life. An album with photographs will help preserve the memory of this event for many years, so you need to approach its design seriously enough. You can, of course, just buy it in the store, but it's better to make a wedding photo album with your own hands

How To Make A Mirror At Home

How To Make A Mirror At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Perhaps the idea of creating a mirror with your own hands will seem unusual to you, since nowadays you can buy a mirror of any shape in a furniture store, but, nevertheless, creating a mirror at home can be an exciting activity that will bring you pleasure and practical benefits

How To Cut A Cowl Collar

How To Cut A Cowl Collar

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

One of the most spectacular collars is the cowl collar. Despite the fact that it has lost its former popularity, any knitted or chiffon product will be more interesting with a yoke collar. When cutting the collar, be sure to pay attention to the fabric - it should be non-crease and easily draped so that the "

How To Make A Book Of Wishes

How To Make A Book Of Wishes

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A DIY book of wishes is an original and rather childish idea. An experiment can be carried out, especially if we consider that desires have the properties of materializing. Making dreams come true is a task stretched out over time. It is necessary - notebook

How To Make A Mask Out Of Paper

How To Make A Mask Out Of Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you want to make a beautiful and easy-to-perform mask for a festive masquerade or school (university) performance, try making a paper mask using the papier-mâché technique. Moreover, this mask will fit perfectly on your face. Now we will tell you how to make a paper mask

How To Make A Night Vision Device At Home

How To Make A Night Vision Device At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Seeing in the dark as during the day is a childhood dream of every boy. You see, but no one sees you! This is possible if there is a night vision device. But NVG can be made by hand, at home! To do this, you just need to remember school chemistry lessons

How To Weave Bracelets From Threads?

How To Weave Bracelets From Threads?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Various styles of weaving from threads have been passed down from generation to generation of needlewomen from ancient times. One of the most common weaving techniques used to create a wide variety of home furnishings and decorations is macrame

How To Make A Plaster Cast

How To Make A Plaster Cast

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Gypsum is one of the most widely used materials not only in construction, but also in art, in dental technology, in the jewelry industry, etc. The quality of gypsum products is primarily determined by the choice of gypsum powder and careful adherence to the technology for preparing the solution

How To Make A Telescopic Baton

How To Make A Telescopic Baton

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The telescopic baton is a weapon that is most often used for self-defense purposes. This handy and compact device is very efficient and compact. Its principle of operation is very simple. This is a small metal tube that can be turned into a reliable means of protection at your request

How To Make A Car Out Of Paper

How To Make A Car Out Of Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you have a piece of paper and you do not know what to do with yourself at the moment, remember your childhood and fold an origami typewriter out of paper. This will not take much of your time, and simple paper folding procedures will return you to a good mood, and will also help you make an interesting toy that does not require scissors or glue - just a simple sheet from a student's notebook

How To Make A Doll House

How To Make A Doll House

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Girls often role-play with dolls and use toys to depict variations on the theme of adulthood. Often, in order for the game to be more realistic, in addition to the presence of the dolls themselves, you also need decorations, furniture, clothes, a car and much more

How To Make A Telescope

How To Make A Telescope

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Passion for natural sciences, including astronomy, has always been popular, but in order for this hobby to be full, you need a telescope. There is no problem to purchase this device now, however, it is quite expensive. Meanwhile, there is no need to despair - you can build a telescope yourself, while the costs will be minimal

How To Make A Crossbow From A Clothespin

How To Make A Crossbow From A Clothespin

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

It is difficult to imagine a boy who has never dreamed of building a crossbow in his life. Self-propelled devices are a dangerous thing in and of themselves in inept hands. Therefore, we will restrict ourselves to a completely harmless toy made of the simplest materials and not capable of harming others

How To Build A Boat Out Of Wood

How To Build A Boat Out Of Wood

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A simple wooden boat is an indispensable companion for a person who loves to relax on suburban waters, fish and raft along the rivers on hiking trips. Unlike other water transport, a boat is easy to make on your own if you know how to handle wood and have the right tools to make it

How To Make Flowers From Balloons Yourself

How To Make Flowers From Balloons Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Balloon compositions can decorate any celebration, be it a children's party, a wedding, a conference or a serious event. Any room decorated with balloons looks festive and bright, especially if different figures and shapes are collected from balloons - for example, flowers

How To Make Knight Armor

How To Make Knight Armor

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Making "real" knightly armor of the 14-15th century (English "full-plate") is difficult and requires a forge, a lot of time and experience in working with metal. However, everyone can make a beautiful imitation! To do this, you need to abandon hot forging and hardening of metal in favor of cold forging, and make armor not 1

How To Make A Radio-controlled Helicopter

How To Make A Radio-controlled Helicopter

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Radio-controlled models are interesting not only for children, but also for adults, and in order to enjoy playing a radio-controlled model, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive toy in a store. You can make a radio-controlled helicopter with your own hands, and in this article you will learn how to do it correctly

How To Make A Whip Yourself

How To Make A Whip Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Those living in the countryside and in the city may need the skill of making a whip. This is a simple matter, but it takes time and some skill. The whip is weaved from raw material (uncut leather, pre-soaked in fat). It can consist of several knees and a "

How To Make Bouquets Of Candy

How To Make Bouquets Of Candy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Candy bouquets have gained immense popularity lately, and this is not surprising. Not only does it combine the two main functions of a popular gift - the beauty of the bouquet and the sweetness of sweets, besides, such a bouquet will keep its beauty for a very long time and will not wither until it is eaten

How To Make Balloon Figures

How To Make Balloon Figures

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

For the holiday, we usually decorate not only ourselves, but also the apartment, so that the guests who have come can feel the holiday atmosphere. If this is a children's holiday, then, most likely, it will not do without balloons. You can, of course, hang ordinary balls, but now various figures are in fashion, which are created from special balls for modeling

How To Make A Notebook

How To Make A Notebook

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Of course, today buying a notebook with any number of sheets in a store is not a problem, but what if the store is far away, but you need to make notes, and so as to exclude their loss and ensure that they are arranged in the right order. You can make a notebook yourself from ordinary sheets of paper that are used in printing for a printer

How To Sew A Chair Pillow

How To Sew A Chair Pillow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A do-it-yourself pillow for a chair is definitely a useful thing. It can become exactly the highlight of the interior that your apartment lacked, and it is very convenient to just sit on it. And to sew it, having some skill, is not at all difficult

How To Make Polymer Clay

How To Make Polymer Clay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Polymer clay, or baked plastic, is a plastic, multifunctional and beautiful material that has a lot of applications in creativity and needlework, and today polymer clay modeling is gaining more and more fans. Polymer clay is used to make bijouterie, jewelry, accessories for clothing and interior design, dolls, various sculptures and figures

How To Make A Paintball Marker

How To Make A Paintball Marker

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Paintball is a game that allows you to simulate real combat using weapons. True, paintball guns shoot not bullets, but gelatin balls with paints, so, of course, the players are not “killed” for good, but simply marked with shots. However, like any battle, paintball requires certain shooting skills, knowledge of offensive and defensive tactics

How To Make A Life Size Puppet

How To Make A Life Size Puppet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

"The holiday comes to us, the holiday comes to us …" Surely this phrase reminded of the holiday that is so loved all over the world. But it's not so much about the holiday itself, but about one of its most important attributes - a costume

How To Make A Fake Mustache

How To Make A Fake Mustache

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

False mustache is an integral part of volumetric makeup, which is used both in various theatrical productions and film works, as well as in the professional activities of detectives, bodyguards and all those who would like to be unrecognizable

How To Build A Plane Out Of Wood

How To Build A Plane Out Of Wood

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Even a schoolchild who does not miss classes in a school aircraft modeling circle is quite capable of building an airplane out of wood. Such a model of a glider, of course, is unlikely to be able to take passengers on board, but it will reward the creator with excellent flight properties and high structural strength

How To Make A Book With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Book With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A self-made book is a huge scope for creative imagination. Taking a homemade book and its structure as a basis, you can easily make a beautiful designer notebook, scrapbooking album, unusual notebook, and of course you can make all these things exclusive gift souvenirs if you decorate your books and notebooks with additional accessories - painting, decoupage, artificial flowers, collages and other decorations

How To Glue A Box With A Cloth

How To Glue A Box With A Cloth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

One of the most versatile ways to store various small items is to use different boxes. You can make the most ordinary box suitable for your interior. To do this, simply glue it over with a cloth. It is necessary Cardboard box, cloth, glue (for example, universal synthetic glue "

How To Make A Flying Model Of An Airplane

How To Make A Flying Model Of An Airplane

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Every person at least once in his life is visited by the thought of flying. Unfortunately, the dream does not always come true in reality. But practically everyone who knows how to hold an instrument can make a controlled flying model of an airplane with their own hands

How To Make A Butterfly Out Of Fabric

How To Make A Butterfly Out Of Fabric

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Butterflies with their airiness and beauty have long attracted the attention of creative people - they decorate clothes, hairstyles, accessories, interiors, and much more with butterflies. With a little imagination, suitable materials, paints, fabrics and wire for the frame, you can easily make your own beautiful butterfly out of fabric

How To Make Flying Lanterns

How To Make Flying Lanterns

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Chinese flying lanterns create a romantic and fairytale atmosphere at any event, which is why they are so in demand at birthdays, weddings and other celebrations. Many firms offer their services today for launching flying lanterns into the sky, but you can try to make such lanterns yourself

How To Make Giant Soap Bubbles

How To Make Giant Soap Bubbles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The process of creating giant soap bubbles is actually not very complicated. They can be made at home, following simple rules and using the materials at hand that are in every home. It is necessary Rope, two thin but rigid sticks, container for solution preparation, water, glycerol, dishwashing liquid

How To Make A Mannequin With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Mannequin With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Almost every seamstress sooner or later faces the problem of trying on things, as well as fitting non-standard styles to their own figure. A dummy will help to solve this problem. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a new mannequin, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple and affordable way to make a mannequin at home, using your own figure as an example and basis

How To Make A Rose From Fabric

How To Make A Rose From Fabric

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

This spring promises to be romantic. Floral motifs and delicate colors dominate in clothes and accessories. Brooches and hairpins in the form of fabric flowers can be bought in every second store. And if you don't want to find out later that half of the city wears the same lace roses, you can make a unique decoration with your own hands

How To Make Beautiful DIY Crafts

How To Make Beautiful DIY Crafts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Recently, hand-made has come into fashion - making various crafts with your own hands. This is a good way to pleasantly surprise and delight a loved one or to decorate your home with a beautiful and unique thing. It is necessary - glass vase 25-30 cm high

How To Decorate A Glass Jar

How To Decorate A Glass Jar

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Do not throw out a beautiful glass jar of jam, cucumbers or squash caviar. You can decorate it, and it will serve not only as a container for storing tea, spices or cereals, but will become a real decoration of the interior. Instructions Step 1 Apply the design to the surface of the jar with special acrylic paints on glass and ceramics

How To Tie A Rastaman's Hat

How To Tie A Rastaman's Hat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Rastamans are called representatives of one of the subcultures that originated among African-Americans. Now the word "Rastafarian" in youth jargon means a young man with outward signs of a follower of the ideas of Rastafarianism. Rastafarians wear the colors of the Ethiopian flag:

How To Make A Pirate Chest

How To Make A Pirate Chest

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Good imagination and appropriate costumes are not enough to play pirates. To recreate the atmosphere of adventure and intrigue, you will need props. You can do it yourself. For example, glue a treasure chest out of cardboard sheets. Instructions Step 1 Choose your craft material

How To Make A Polymer Clay Doll

How To Make A Polymer Clay Doll

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A doll can be a toy or a work of art. Once you have tried to make it yourself, you can become a master who creates practically exhibition specimens. At the beginning of this path may be your first polymer clay doll. It is necessary - foil

How To Sew A Tent With Your Own Hands

How To Sew A Tent With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

You don't have to buy a tent in a store. Handicraft lovers can make it themselves. Sewing a tent is not particularly difficult. The most important thing is then to bring it into proper shape so that the tent is waterproof and keeps its shape

How To Make A Radio At Home

How To Make A Radio At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you want to interest your children in technical creativity - try to make a detector radio with them. The advantage of such a receiver is that it does not need an external power supply. You will surely like this homemade product, and the children will look at it as if it were a real miracle

How To Make Fabric Flowers

How To Make Fabric Flowers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

To make such a fashionable accessory as a flower made of fabric, we do not need so much: a piece of fabric of a suitable color and size, a wire for needlework (thin copper is also suitable), a little fishing line, green corrugated paper, beads, gelatin, a table knife, scissors, PVA glue, needle and thread

How To Apply A Pattern To Glass

How To Apply A Pattern To Glass

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The first mentions of stained glass windows date back to the 1st century BC. Then the production of stained-glass windows was the lot of professionals. Now everyone can make an imitation of stained glass. It is enough to paint on glass using the stained glass technique

How To Make A Car Out Of Wood

How To Make A Car Out Of Wood

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you decide to make your child his first car, or you just have nothing to do in the summer, and you have always dreamed of an open-top Cadillac, you have a great opportunity to fulfill your goals in a few summer days. All you need for this is a home tool, a certain amount of material, depending on the complexity of the design, and your imagination

How To Pour Plaster Into A Mold

How To Pour Plaster Into A Mold

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Plaster figures look very impressive and durable, with the help of this material you can save children's plasticine crafts forever or decorate a house. You can make a plaster figure yourself, especially if you already have a fill mold. It is necessary - the form

How To Make A Helicopter On A Remote Control

How To Make A Helicopter On A Remote Control

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The helicopter on the control panel is the dream of not only many boys, but also quite adult men, because it makes it possible to feel like a real pilot, soaring under the clouds, to feel lightness and superpowers. The stores offer a wide range of radio-controlled helicopters, however, such a toy can be assembled with your own hands

How To Make An Arrangement Of Artificial Flowers

How To Make An Arrangement Of Artificial Flowers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Real flowers, of course, are very beautiful, but too delicate, they need care and attention. It is much more convenient to decorate your home with artificial flowers, they will complement the interior for a very long time, and at the same time you just need to dust them off from time to time

How To Make A Painting Out Of Seashells

How To Make A Painting Out Of Seashells

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Collecting shells on the seashore is a favorite activity of children. They beg their parents to take the treasure home. Then these "trophies" lie somewhere in the back cabinet. They interfere during cleaning, but it is a pity to throw them away

How To Make A Panel From Seashells

How To Make A Panel From Seashells

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Collecting shells on the seashore is a favorite pastime of children. And at the end of the rest, these "trophies" lie in some distant closet. You can decorate a frame for a photo with shells or make a panel out of them that will decorate your house and remind you of a happy vacation

How To Make A Robot With Your Own Hands From Different Materials

How To Make A Robot With Your Own Hands From Different Materials

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The concept of robots, as well as of improvised materials, rarely coincides between a person who understands robotics and those who have just started to be interested in this area. The fact is that it is not easy to assemble even the simplest mechanism

How To Sew A Wool Blanket

How To Sew A Wool Blanket

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A woolen quilt is a nice and warm piece. Wool is highly hygroscopic, so the blanket remains dry to the touch, even if it absorbs a lot of moisture. In addition, the wool dries very quickly. Why not please yourself or your loved ones with a gift in the form of a warm natural blanket?

How To Make Darth Vader's Helmet

How To Make Darth Vader's Helmet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Darth Vader is an iconic character from the Star Wars movie. Despite the fact that Darth Vader is a negative hero, he has a huge army of fans. Often, several guests disguised as this character come to costume parties dedicated to the film. Darth Vader's helmet for carnival costume can be made from papier-mâché yourself

How To Make Knots On Baubles

How To Make Knots On Baubles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A must-have hippie attribute that borrowed its patterns from the North American Indians - a thread bauble - still remains one of the favorite adornments of creative girls and boys. The weaving of such baubles is based on several basic knots, having mastered which it will be possible to create a bracelet of any color and width

How To Make Do-it-yourself Photo Frames

How To Make Do-it-yourself Photo Frames

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Photos give the interior a special coziness and charm. And in order for them to fit into the given style, they need to be decorated. Beautiful and original photo frames are easy to make with your own hands. Stock up on materials at hand, spend a couple of evenings - and make your collection of family photos unique

How To Make A Scroll

How To Make A Scroll

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Often we need one or another item for the interior or theatrical scenery for performances. Something can be bought in the store, but there are also some items that we will not find even at a flea market. For example, an old scroll. Instructions Step 1 In order to make your own scroll, you will need paper

How To Make A Slipknot Mask

How To Make A Slipknot Mask

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

From the very beginning of their careers, members of the Slipknot group shocked the audience with unusual masks, behind which they hid their faces for a long time at concerts and interviews. Now fans know their heroes by sight. But masks are still symbols of the group

How To Make A Baguette Frame

How To Make A Baguette Frame

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The term baguette comes from the French word “baguette”, which means “stick”. In the explanatory dictionary of D.N. Ushakov, the following definition of a baguette is given: it is "a carved or painted strip for making frames or decorating walls

How To Make A Highchair

How To Make A Highchair

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Children grow up quickly. You won't have time to look around, but they already want to do everything like adults. They no longer like eating lying, reclining, or with their mother on her knees, and the time comes when the child needs to be seated at the dinner table with adults

How To Make A Bow For Hunting

How To Make A Bow For Hunting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The Indians used the bow not only to protect against white aliens, but also to hunt wild animals. Subsequently, more advanced weapons were invented, but even now there are those who like to hunt in the old fashioned way. Or maybe you need a bow for survival in an extreme situation?

How To Sew A Leather Case

How To Sew A Leather Case

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Of course, there is no shortage of cases for mobile phones, but there are pieces of leather and a desire to work with your hands. After all, a do-it-yourself outfit for a faithful assistant and friend will be unique and unique - purchased products cannot be compared with your masterpiece

How To Make A Caterpillar For An All-terrain Vehicle

How To Make A Caterpillar For An All-terrain Vehicle

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

An all-terrain vehicle can be understood as various means of transportation. These are SUVs, which are familiar to us, and tractors, and snowmobiles, and even tanks. You can make an all-terrain vehicle yourself, or rather, transform an ordinary motorcycle or scooter into a reliable friend who is not afraid of dirt or off-road conditions

How To Make A Bag With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Bag With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A beautiful bag is a great addition to a woman's look. And the bag that you have sewn with your own hands can become not only a reflection of your personality, but also one of the most striking accessories of a fashionable wardrobe! Instructions Step 1 In order to quickly sew a bag, you do not need to have the skills of a professional seamstress or spend a huge amount of time to implement an idea

How To Make A Layout

How To Make A Layout

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A mockup is a miniature copy of a real object. Models are widely used in the construction and design of entire complexes and resort towns. Homemade kindergarten layouts can be a great tool for introducing growing kids to modeling and a starting platform for kids' play

How To Make A Potter's Wheel

How To Make A Potter's Wheel

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

One of the earliest pottery wheels appeared in ancient Babylon, and its working platform was set in motion with the left hand. Over the years, potters have modernized this machine, making it a foot drive, freeing both hands to work with clay

How To Make Yourself A Bottom Fishing Rod

How To Make Yourself A Bottom Fishing Rod

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A good bottom fishing rod allows you to visually and aurally determine the bite of not only large, but also small fish, as well as to choose the right moment of hooking. Donok designs are different, and often fishermen make them themselves, taking into account individual preferences and fishing characteristics in a particular area

How To Make A Scream Mask

How To Make A Scream Mask

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The Scream, directed by Wes Craven in 1970, immediately became popular with horror fans. The film was intended for a youth audience, but all four episodes are also enjoyed by adults. And the mask in which the killer chased the heroes of the film became generally cult

How To Glue The Ball

How To Glue The Ball

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Probably, everyone at least once in his life faced a problem when a new ball, which is not even two days old, breaks through during the game. It is good if it is a Chinese fake, and it was inexpensive, although in this case it is not good. But what to do if you bought a leather, expensive ball or, even worse, an autographed gift

How To Make A Pirate Cocked Hat

How To Make A Pirate Cocked Hat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Today, pirate romance attracts not only children who are eager for adventure, but also adults who are not averse to trying on a new role at a friendly party, carnival or theatrical performance. The image of a pirate cannot be imagined complete without the characteristic pirate cocked hat

How To Braid Headphones

How To Braid Headphones

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Many people strive to diversify the gray everyday life as much as possible, to decorate them with bright colors. Braided headphones will be an excellent option for music lovers. Such an accessory will delight both you and bystanders hurrying about their business

How To Make A Toy With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Toy With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

With all the richness of the choice of toys in the store, you always want to make something special, your own. Out-of-fashion things and scraps of fabric are constantly accumulating at home, from which you can make wonderful funny soft toys for children, interior decorations or for a gift

How To Apply A Photo To A Mug

How To Apply A Photo To A Mug

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A mug with a picture of the hero of the occasion will serve as a wonderful gift for any occasion! Moreover, such a present can not only be ordered in a specialized store, but also made independently at home. It is necessary - decal

How To Make A Plaster Mold

How To Make A Plaster Mold

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

To cast plaster sculptures, you must first make a mold. Previously, these forms were most often made from gelatin. Recently, new plastic materials have appeared, which in their properties are not inferior to traditional ones. It is necessary Two-component silicone Chipboard for container Wood glue Sculptural plasticine Small diameter round stick Wax Instructions Step 1 Make a container for the fill

How To Make A Heart-shaped Box

How To Make A Heart-shaped Box

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

It is customary to give hearts on Valentine's Day. Valentine postcards, pendants, or even more serious gifts that are pleasant to receive in appropriate packaging. You can make a heart-shaped box with your own hands. Such packaging is appropriate not only on Valentine's Day, but also for a wedding and its anniversary

How To Cut From Styrofoam

How To Cut From Styrofoam

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Polyfoam is widely used in industry and in everyday life as a thermal insulation material. In addition, foam inserts are commonly used when transporting items, especially fragile ones. Recently, this material has found another application: a wide variety of elements for decorating the interior, advertising, etc

How To Weave Beaded Baubles

How To Weave Beaded Baubles

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

One of the fairly common ways to make flat beaded bracelets is to weave them on a loom. This technology allows you to create spectacular-looking baubles with complex patterns. The machine for this kind of work can be made in a few minutes. It is necessary - beads

How To Make Candle Gel

How To Make Candle Gel

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Helium candles have a very attractive decorative look, they can be made at home to decorate the interior or presented as a present. They burn no worse than ordinary wax candles and much slower. A gel candle can be decorated with almost any little things, pebbles, shells and even multi-colored beads

How To Make A Ship With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Ship With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Making a boat is easy. This will require the exact execution of the instructions, the sequence of stages of work. The cardboard sheathing is pasted over with adhesive tape, which protects it from getting wet, and a load is tied to the bottom of the ship so that the model does not turn over in the water

How To Make A Wooden Boat

How To Make A Wooden Boat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Children often like homemade toys more than purchased ones. The wooden boat is a traditional game popular with many generations of children. Such a boat perfectly floats on the water, it can be launched in a bath, a pond, a stream and even into the sea

How To Make A Magnet

How To Make A Magnet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Permanent magnets are widely used in various fields of science and technology. Devices such as computer hard drives, acoustic systems, and finally, such an ancient means of navigation as a compass, are impossible without the use of permanent magnets

How To Make A Plane With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Plane With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

We all made paper airplanes as children. A few dexterous movements with the paper and the airship is ready. Having launched the airplane into the sky, we followed its maneuvers in the air. Nowadays, few people can be surprised by a paper plane

How To Make Vampire Teeth

How To Make Vampire Teeth

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Sinister yet addictive, vampires are extremely popular with mysticism enthusiasts. The vampire look is perhaps the most popular outfit at masquerades and All Saints' Day celebrations. Think over the costume to the smallest detail, choosing the necessary accessories for the vampire

How To Make Balls From Thread

How To Make Balls From Thread

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Balls made of threads look impressive. With the help of such spider balls, you can decorate the interior, for example, make a lamp or a night light. By connecting several of these balls together, you can make a wide variety of toys: a chicken, a parrot, a fish or a snowman

How To Sew A Hair Elastic

How To Sew A Hair Elastic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Hair ties, like hairpins, are little things that can never be too many. With some free time, fabric trimmings, and an elastic band, you can make a DIY hair band that matches the clothes you are wearing. It is necessary - the cloth

How To Make Flowers From Balloons

How To Make Flowers From Balloons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A flower from balloons or a whole bunch of them is a wonderful gift, a sign of attention, as well as a simple, quick and inexpensive way to decorate any room for the holiday. There are several ways to make these flowers, as well as their varieties

How To Make A Bow From Skis

How To Make A Bow From Skis

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Archery is not only the ancient art of combat and the lot of modern historical reenactors, but also an exciting sport that has a lot of fans around the world. Participation in archery competitions is a responsible business, and your victory will largely depend on how well and soundly your bow and arrows are made

How To Make A Stuffed Pike Head

How To Make A Stuffed Pike Head

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Fishing is one of the common hobbies. It provides a calm rest on the shore of the reservoir, excitement and indescribable impressions when playing fish, admiring trophies. You can preserve memories of the size of the prey with the help of photos and videos

How To Make A Circular Saw

How To Make A Circular Saw

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A stationary circular saw has significantly greater capabilities compared to a manual device. It allows you to cut material of various sections, cut sheets of plywood or hardboard. In order to turn a hand-held circular saw into a stationary circular saw, you will need to build a special device in the form of a table

How To Make An Ant Farm

How To Make An Ant Farm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

An ant farm is a wonderful gift for naturalists and nature lovers. In addition to helping you relax and relieve stress, watching your farm can help you learn about the behavior and lifestyle of ants. You can buy an ant farm, but it doesn't come cheap

How To Make A House For A Doll With Your Own Hands

How To Make A House For A Doll With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Doll houses have been popular with girls for centuries. In the 18th-19th centuries, such toys were sometimes very expensive and were made from real materials - china dishes, copper cauldrons, wooden furniture upholstered in velvet, hand-painted wallpaper, etc

How To Make A Catapult

How To Make A Catapult

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The catapult is an ancient throwing weapon that was the basis of the artillery of those times. It allowed stones to be thrown in three ways: by stretching the fibers, twisting tendons, and using a counterweight. It is the last method that we use to make a small catapult, that is, we use the energy of the falling counterweight

How To Glue A Box With Paper

How To Glue A Box With Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A box pasted over with paper, with a creative approach, can become a casket, a money box for bills, or just a storage for all sorts of useful little things. It is done simply - from improvised means. It is necessary Cardboard (thick paper), newspapers, PVA glue, scotch tape, fabric, iron, brush, ink, ink pad, decoration paper Instructions Step 1 All parts of the future box should be cut out of cardboard or thick paper (bottom + 4 walls + lid)

How To Make A Papier-mâché Ball

How To Make A Papier-mâché Ball

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The traditional papier-mâché technique involves making a variety of crafts - masks, toys, paper jewelry. The term "papier-mâché" itself can be translated as "chewed paper". From this very simple material it will turn out to make very beautiful crafts

How To Make A Wig With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Wig With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

For holidays, carnivals, friendly parties and other events that require imagination and originality from the participants, not only children, but also adults are happy to try on new roles, put on fancy dress and depict a variety of heroes and characters

How To Build A Hut

How To Build A Hut

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A real forest hut is a great way to feel like a traveler and explorer of nature, and its creation will be a useful and exciting entertainment for children and adults. At the same time, the ability to build a hut can not only entertain you, but also provide significant support in an extreme situation when you urgently need to provide yourself and your companions with a roof over their heads in nature

How To Make Polymer Clay Products

How To Make Polymer Clay Products

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Polymer clay is a bright, multifunctional and easy-to-use material from which you can make a variety of things, from handmade dolls to jewelry, jewelry and interior crafts. If you decide to learn how to make things from polymer clay, study the rules for working with this material - only if the master follows the technology for making a plastic product, he will get a high-quality result

How To Make A Bird Of Happiness Out Of Paper

How To Make A Bird Of Happiness Out Of Paper

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

In the Japanese view, the crane is a bird of happiness that fulfills wishes. According to an ancient Japanese legend, it is believed that if you make a thousand cranes out of paper, your wish will definitely come true. The art of folding paper figures is called origami and has its roots in ancient China

How To Make A Fruit Palm From Improvised Means

How To Make A Fruit Palm From Improvised Means

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Every time, arranging a holiday at home, I want to surprise the guests. Such an innovation on the festive table can be a homemade fruit palm, which every housewife can make from improvised means. As such, any berries and fruits can be used, depending on the imagination

How To Make A Papier Mache Doll Yourself

How To Make A Papier Mache Doll Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Papier-mâché translates from French as "torn paper" or "chewed paper". The art of making dolls using this technology goes back to the 16th century, when in European countries craftsmen created real masterpieces from torn paper, glue and paints

How To Make Glowing Liquid At Home

How To Make Glowing Liquid At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Glowing objects are a mesmerizing sight. You can make various fabrics, paper and any absorbent surfaces burn in different colors without electricity by spraying a special liquid paint. Making glowing liquid at home is much easier than you might imagine

How To Make A Round Stamp Yourself

How To Make A Round Stamp Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

With the help of the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop, you can not only beautifully process photographs, create visual effects on photographs, and also draw unusual pictures from scratch using the technique of computer graphics, but also create analogs of real stamps on documents

How To Make A Parachute

How To Make A Parachute

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Parachute translated from French means "to prevent falling". Today we will deal with this, we will prevent the fall. We will tinker with 3 types of parachutes: smoothly descending downward, another can be launched upward with a pistol, and the third will be launched using a special launching device

How To Decorate Your Portfolio

How To Decorate Your Portfolio

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A portfolio is a mandatory attribute of school life. Choosing it, children and parents pay attention to the quality and ergonomics of the backpack. But its appearance is usually standard. So if you want to make your portfolio stand out from the many others at school, perfect it yourself

How To Sew A Skirt For Oriental Dance

How To Sew A Skirt For Oriental Dance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Probably, there is no such girl who knows the art of oriental dance, who would not dream of her own unique costume. This dream can be realized if you have a little patience and sew a skirt for oriental dances with your own hands. It is necessary - paper for patterns

How To Make A Torch

How To Make A Torch

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

There are many instructions on how you can make your own torch from available tools. And these instructions have their own differences, but in general they boil down to the same thing: to prepare a hot composition and impregnate a torch with it

How To Make Paper Dolls

How To Make Paper Dolls

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Interesting and fascinating toys are not only ready-made dolls and cars bought in stores, but also things made with your own hands. A toy that a child made himself will delight him much more - it will be the result of his creative labors. Both boys and girls will enjoy making paper dolls, which provide a lot of room for imagination - you can draw and cut out a variety of clothes, accessories, and even vehicles for them

How To Make A Surprise Balloon

How To Make A Surprise Balloon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Recently, it has become fashionable to use surprise balloons at the holidays. It is a large ball with small balls inside. When a large ball is pierced, small balls fall beautifully on the guests' heads. It is necessary Large ball, small balls, compressor, plastic tube, calibrator

How To Make A Drift Car

How To Make A Drift Car

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Drift is a motor sport characterized by high-speed cornering with a stall on the rear axle. In this case, it is necessary to keep the car on the track in a controlled drift at the highest possible speed. Thus, the basis of drifting is controlled skidding and sliding, for which the car must have the appropriate technical characteristics:

How To Make Flowers From Leather

How To Make Flowers From Leather

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Leather flower jewelry can be used anywhere. This is a nice brooch on the bag and a pendant. You can also decorate your clothes with such a flower: jeans, coats. It will look pretty cute and original. It is important to make such a flower neatly and beautifully

How To Light A Lamp

How To Light A Lamp

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

There are always lamps in the homes of Orthodox Christians. They are placed next to the most revered icons. It is believed that the fire of the lamp purifies the air from all filth. Those who have such an opportunity try to keep the lamps burning constantly

How To Fit A Stock

How To Fit A Stock

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A properly fitted weapon gives the shooter the confidence to shoot effectively. The targets are hit, the recoil when firing is reduced. And a day spent at the shooting range is pure pleasure. Instructions Step 1 Unfortunately, only expensive guns are produced by the shooter's standards

How To Burn Clay

How To Burn Clay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Firing a clay product is the final and, at the same time, almost the most crucial stage of its processing. From how you cope with the task, the fruit of your labors will crumble to dust or will delight you for many years to come. It is necessary Muffle oven, cans, bricks, firewood Instructions Step 1 Dry the product before baking it

How To Build A Pyramid Of The Golden Ratio

How To Build A Pyramid Of The Golden Ratio

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Even the ancients noticed some amazing properties of the so-called "golden ratio". For example, the Giza pyramid complex was built on this principle. Also in the facade of the ancient Greek temple of the Parthenon there are "golden"

How To Make A Puppet

How To Make A Puppet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

These dolls were first used in Venice for church holidays. Today, a puppet is a type of theatrical puppet. However, you can do it yourself at home. The main thing is to come up with an image for the puppet, correctly attach it with threads to the fasteners and learn how to control it

How To Make A Wooden Boat Yourself

How To Make A Wooden Boat Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Survival in extreme situations requires certain skills, and among them the ability to build a shelter and transport for oneself, in case of an unforeseen or dangerous situation, is important. In this article we will show you how to make a wooden boat with your own hands

How To Make A Dog Out Of Balls

How To Make A Dog Out Of Balls

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Transforming balloons into a wide variety of figures is a favorite pastime of many adults and children. At first glance, making something interesting and unusual out of an elongated ball is not an easy task. In fact, having before your eyes the step-by-step instructions for turning the balls into various figures, you can easily make one of them yourself

How To Assemble A Donk

How To Assemble A Donk

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Donku is considered by many to be an outdated and primitive tackle, but this is a completely incorrect statement. Many types of fish are caught on this simple fishing tool. Donkoy catch mainly large fish and at a fairly large depth. Instructions Step 1 First, try to make a simple donkey for beginners

How To Make A Swan From Balls

How To Make A Swan From Balls

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Swans … How many touching and exciting feelings they evoke. It is very difficult to take your eyes off their graceful movement through the water. Touching their beaks to each other, as if kissing, their curved necks form a heart shape, as if reminding people of pure and true love

How To Weave A Rosary?

How To Weave A Rosary?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A rosary is a ribbon connected in a ring. They are used to count prayers, bows, help to focus attention and remind about the time of prayer. You can buy a rosary in a store or church, or you can make it yourself. Our step-by-step instructions will help you in making them

How To Make A Voodoo Doll With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Voodoo Doll With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Exotic magic has long attracted people who are not familiar with magical traditions, and voodoo magic is extremely popular and fashionable in the world today. It is not easy to master the magic theory itself, and many people do not believe in its effectiveness, but objects accompanying the voodoo culture can be an excellent souvenir or gift for any person

How To Build Locks From Matches

How To Build Locks From Matches

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

With the help of matches, you can not only light a fire at any time, but also fold the house without glue and nails. Many people know how to assemble matchbox houses, but some people improve their skills even more and build whole castles from matches that arouse the envy of others

How To Make A Rosary From Bread

How To Make A Rosary From Bread

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The technology for making a rosary from bread was invented by prisoners in places of detention for a very long time. Prayer beads are used by convicts not for counting prayers, but in order to show with this cult object their belonging to a certain group in the hierarchical structure of the prison society

How To Sew A Pony Toy

How To Sew A Pony Toy

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

To sew a cute cute pony - the favorite of all kids, you need very little: pieces of fur, thread, a needle and a little patience. But how much joy this wonderful handmade toy will bring to your child. It is necessary - pattern

How To Knit A Square

How To Knit A Square

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Woolen products, knitted from separate squares, can become a worthy interior decoration. Multi-colored geometric shapes can be combined into a bedspread or plaid. Openwork squares knitted with fine yarn can turn into curtains or a tablecloth

How To Make A Salary For An Icon

How To Make A Salary For An Icon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Coming to church, you involuntarily pay attention to the beautiful design of the icons. Embossed ornaments, dresses and furnishings are made of white or yellow metal. Decorations are superimposed on simple icons so that only the face and hands of the holy great martyrs are visible

How To Weave From Iris

How To Weave From Iris

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Bright thread jewelry is an attribute of youth fashion, it allows teenagers to express their feelings and stand out from the crowd. Girls are happy to weave baubles from floss and iris, creating intricate patterns using simple knots. It is quite easy to master the weaving of homemade jewelry, and it takes very little time to create them

How To Make A Radio-controlled Helicopter With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Radio-controlled Helicopter With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Radio-controlled toys are the dream of any boy and even an adult man. The range of prices for them in the store is quite wide: there are economy-class helicopters, and there are elite models. But you can make such a helicopter yourself. There would be a desire

How To Make A House Out Of Cardboard

How To Make A House Out Of Cardboard

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A cardboard house is indispensable in a children's corner. Drawn dolls or paper cut animals can be populated there. There may also be a magic treasure. And if such a house is made with a bottom, then it can serve as an excellent gift wrapping

How To Decoupage Cans

How To Decoupage Cans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Originally designed cans for bulk products and containers for spices give the kitchen a special cozy flavor. It is not difficult to make such products, but you need to know the sequence of work and the list of required materials. A hand-made product can serve not only as an interior decoration, but also as an excellent gift

We Make Jewelry Out Of Polymer Clay. Fancy Earrings

We Make Jewelry Out Of Polymer Clay. Fancy Earrings

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

If you want to do an unusual kind of creativity - create earrings in a single copy - make them from polymer clay. Then you can decorate your earlobes with roses, lilies of the valley. Lily of the valley earrings will remind you of spring and early summer

How To Make A New Year's Craft Pencil Holder

How To Make A New Year's Craft Pencil Holder

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

What kind of craft can be done with the child to be taken to kindergarten or as a present for grandparents for the New Year? You can make a beautiful winter pencil holder from an empty jar of baby instant tea or chips. She looks very elegant and festive

How To Make Slime: 4 Ways

How To Make Slime: 4 Ways

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Slime is a thick, stretchy substance that can take many forms. This is great fun for children, a way to develop fine motor skills and anti-stress for adults. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. If you follow the instructions correctly, the resulting substance should not stick to your hands and tear

How To Make Polymer Clay Tools From Handy Tools

How To Make Polymer Clay Tools From Handy Tools

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

It is not necessary to buy special expensive tools for working with polymer clay. It is quite possible to get by with the things that are in the house. How I want to try to work with baked plastic. The tools for working with polymer clay cost money, which you don't really want to spend, given that the experience will be sporadic or infrequent

How To Make DIY Antibacterial Soap

How To Make DIY Antibacterial Soap

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Antibacterial soap has gained unprecedented popularity in connection with the pandemic, although there is more and more opinion about the harm caused by its components. If you want to protect yourself and your family, it is better to make such a soap yourself

How To Make A Composition With Butterflies

How To Make A Composition With Butterflies

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

An original handmade composition with butterflies will delight you for more than one day. It is necessary - clay pot; - floristic sponge; - red, green polka-dot wrapping paper; - turquoise, hot pink crepe paper; - chenille wire of pink, light blue, light orange color

How To Make An Easter Bouquet

How To Make An Easter Bouquet

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A handmade Easter bouquet will bring an atmosphere of warmth and hope to the interior, and the Easter bunny - one of the joys of childhood in Europe - will bring the greatest delight to children. Early in the morning on Easter, children hear the phrase:

Wire Jewelry: Weaving An Exquisite Accessory With Your Own Hands

Wire Jewelry: Weaving An Exquisite Accessory With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Jewelry can be bought in a store, but it's much more interesting to make it yourself. Weaving from wire, you can create a bracelet, earrings, rings. Such a set will become both an adornment of a lady and an object of her well-deserved pride

How To Make A Wonderful Notebook

How To Make A Wonderful Notebook

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

This notebook has a wonderful property: it can be opened in one direction or the other. It is very simple to make it, and you can easily surprise your friends or children. Let's see how to do it. It is necessary - Hardcover notebook

How To Make A Paper Crane

How To Make A Paper Crane

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A paper crane is a classic craft. There are several options for this paper product. We will write about the classic version. She is especially popular with fans of Japanese culture and anime. At first glance, making a crane is quite difficult, but this is not at all the case

How To Decoupage Eggs

How To Decoupage Eggs

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Spring is the time when the bright Easter holiday comes, which is celebrated by people all over the world. And what is Easter without bright, elegant eggs? There are many ways to decorate eggs. One of the interesting and original ones is decoupage

How To Make A Cutting Board From A Heating Pad?

How To Make A Cutting Board From A Heating Pad?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

From a rubber heating pad, which has served its purpose, you can make a wonderful shape like silicone and pour an alabaster cutting board into it. Such a board can be a great gift for various holidays and, at the same time, a hot plate. Instructions Step 1 Remove the plug by prying it off with a nail file and tape the neck inside and out with 2-sided tape

How To Decorate A Bookcase

How To Decorate A Bookcase

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A wooden shelf - a small table with shelves - is a very convenient thing for serving: it can be easily rearranged in any room or placed next to a garden bench. Besides the ease of use, this piece of furniture has to be beautiful. It is necessary - whatnot (table with shelves)

How To Make A Pumpkin House With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Pumpkin House With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Decorative pumpkins of various shapes are excellent materials for crafts. One of the interesting options is a funny house that will become a decoration for Halloween. Such a craft can be presented as a gift, the house can be used as an original lantern or table decor

How To Make A Balloon Smartphone Case

How To Make A Balloon Smartphone Case

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Buying expensive smartphone cases is sometimes too expensive. They wear out quickly, and a cover made of an ordinary balloon costs a penny. A homemade accessory is handy, especially when using your phone at the beach. After buying an expensive smartphone, many have experienced a lack of money to purchase a cover for the device

Painting On Stones For Beginners: Description And Master Class

Painting On Stones For Beginners: Description And Master Class

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The first canvas for drawing people once served as stones. Over time, from elements of primitive magic, the images on them turned into objects of art. In the modern world, painted stones decorate the interior and act as original gifts to relatives and friends

DIY Crafts For Dolls

DIY Crafts For Dolls

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Furniture, clothing and entire dollhouses can be purchased at any toy store or ordered online. But it is much more interesting to make these cute little things yourself, using the materials at hand: plywood, paper, cardboard, beads and shreds

Safety Precautions When Working With Polymer Clay

Safety Precautions When Working With Polymer Clay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Plastic is a very interesting material for creativity, it resembles plasticine, but which hardens when baked. You can make small items from it, for example, jewelry, figurines, fridge magnets, dolls. Manufacturers produce whole lines of polymer clay, imitating stone, metal, glittering, phosphorescent, translucent

How To Make A Dog Magnet Out Of Felt

How To Make A Dog Magnet Out Of Felt

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Place this funny dog next to your calendar and she will wish you happy holidays and give you a smile all year round. It is necessary - hard multi-colored felt; - glue "Moment" ("Titanium"); - black felt-tip pen

How To Make A Tree From Cones

How To Make A Tree From Cones

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A tree made of cones can become a spectacular interior decoration: classic, avant-garde, romantic. Such a craft is easy to make with your own hands, complementing pine or spruce cones with dried flowers, artificial flowers, coffee beans, berries or beads

DIY Wood Box: Master Class

DIY Wood Box: Master Class

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A wooden box is an irreplaceable thing in the house, because it is in it that the most expensive things are kept: memorabilia, jewelry, documents. The accessory made of wood looks beautiful and respectable, moreover, it can last for many years

How To Make A Bird Feeder Yourself

How To Make A Bird Feeder Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Creating feeders is a very fun and interesting activity and a rather creative process, because a dining room for birds can be made from completely different materials at hand and decorate the structure as you wish. It is important that the feeders are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and safe for the birds

How To Make A Necklace With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Necklace With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

On the eve of the New Year, everyone is puzzled by the question of choosing gifts for their friends and loved ones. Of course, you can find anything in stores, but a handmade gift will be special and unique, with a piece of your soul and this makes it even more valuable

How To Make A Paper Airplane: 10 Options

How To Make A Paper Airplane: 10 Options

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Joint crafts with a child perfectly develop the imagination, improve the motor skills of babies and bring all participants closer together in the process of work. Moreover, the options for such origami are both the simplest ones - for kids, and complex models - for thoughtful work

How To Make A Snowflake Decoration For A Christmas Tree

How To Make A Snowflake Decoration For A Christmas Tree

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

We make a simple Christmas tree decoration with our own hands, which will delight on New Year's holidays and give a few dozen pleasant minutes spent in a joint creative activity. It is necessary - Toilet paper roll; - scissors

How To Quickly Sew A Bib

How To Quickly Sew A Bib

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

How to quickly sew a baby bib from scrap materials? Almost every house has an old oilcloth tablecloth and a piece of braid. From them it is possible in a short time and very simply to sew a baby bib. Plus, this bib dries up in minutes and is easy to clean, unlike a cloth bib

How To Make Soap As A Gift With Your Own Hands

How To Make Soap As A Gift With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

There are various events in connection with which it is customary to give gifts. As an independent or in addition to the main gift, you can make a beautiful soap from natural ingredients with your own hands. There are many options for a gift - for a child in the shape of a toy, for a woman in the shape of a flower, taking into account the type of skin, or for a man for shaving

How To Make A Man's Postcard

How To Make A Man's Postcard

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

You can independently make a stylish and very beautiful men's postcard without unnecessary problems and costs. To do this, you need a minimum of materials and very little effort. It is necessary - postcard template; - decorative elements

Beautiful DIY Beaded Brooches: A Step-by-step Description

Beautiful DIY Beaded Brooches: A Step-by-step Description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Beaded jewelry is always beautiful and stylish details that complement any look. Today, brooches embroidered with beads are becoming more and more popular among fashionistas. Such a wonderful and graceful accessory, like a beaded brooch, perfectly complements any outfit:

How To Prepare For A Picnic

How To Prepare For A Picnic

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A picnic can be arranged everywhere: in the clearing near the house, by the river and on the lawn - there would be a desire! If the event is not held spontaneously, then you can prepare for it in advance. There are probably 2-3 wicker baskets in the house, which can be given a completely different look with the help of decoupage

How To Make Money Selling Handmade Products

How To Make Money Selling Handmade Products

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Many people dream of making their favorite hobby a business, but in reality it turns out to be not so easy. In the field of hand-made, only a few earn serious money, because, in addition to the pleasure of work, you need to take into account many more factors and market needs

10 Beautiful Things Made From Wine Corks With Your Own Hands

10 Beautiful Things Made From Wine Corks With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Throwing away the cork together with the drunk bottle of wine, few people think that this is a very valuable natural material. A real gift of nature, obtained from the bark of amazing trees growing in the Mediterranean region, Spain, Portugal, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, can be beneficial for a very long time

How To Make A Bouquet Of Balloons

How To Make A Bouquet Of Balloons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The bouquet will always be a good gift, suitable for almost any occasion. However, bouquets of flowers that are familiar to all of us, made according to the best traditions, are so common in our life that it will be difficult to surprise the person being gifted

How To Make Beautiful Rose Glasses For A Wedding

How To Make Beautiful Rose Glasses For A Wedding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Beautiful wedding glasses are easy to make with your own hands. It is necessary - 2 glasses; - rose petals; - glue; - satin ribbon; - beads and rhinestones; - scissors; - degreaser. Instructions Step 1 Let's prepare two glasses

What Is Stained Glass Painting

What Is Stained Glass Painting

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Stained glass painting is painting with special paints that can be done on glass or ceramics. It got this name because of the contouring technique that imitates a real stained glass window. Glass painting is a fun hobby that offers many creative possibilities

Do-it-yourself Origami "Flower"

Do-it-yourself Origami "Flower"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Origami is not just an oriental technique for teaching handicraft wisdom. This is a whole philosophy - an opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the outside and focus on creating beauty. And if you are already impatient to comprehend it, then sit back, the master class begins

How To Make Penguins Out Of Pompons

How To Make Penguins Out Of Pompons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

A rare child who cannot be conquered by a cute penguin. Try together with your children to make these adorable characters out of small pom-poms. Give the kids the opportunity to make two-tone pom poms while you try your hand at crocheting to make a tiny hat

Origami: Crazy Paper Crafts

Origami: Crazy Paper Crafts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Origami are beautiful paper figures that you can make with your own hands from simple materials. It seems that it is difficult and inaccessible for beginners, but, following the instructions, you can create even intricate origami without any special skills

DIY Eggplant Crafts For Children

DIY Eggplant Crafts For Children

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Children love to create interesting and simple things with their own hands. In addition, joint creativity will be an excellent leisure time for kids and parents. As an ornamental material, not only cones, paper or polymer clay are suitable - simple and funny toys can be created from vegetables:

How To Make A "snow Globe" With Your Own Hands

How To Make A "snow Globe" With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The Snow Globe is a popular New Year or Christmas souvenir. No other thing is associated with the winter holidays like this one. Indeed, one has only to turn the jar over or shake it a little, and a real blizzard begins inside. A great idea is to make a "

How To Make A New Year's Album With Your Own Hands

How To Make A New Year's Album With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

New Year is magic and a fairy tale. And how nice it is to print the most unique, beautiful photographs later and look at them in the evenings, returning to those wonderful moments. For such photographs you need a special album, also New Year's

Things To Do At Home During Self-isolation

Things To Do At Home During Self-isolation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Quarantine and self-isolation forces you to spend the whole day at home, and if you still have children, it becomes torture. What can you do to diversify your leisure time? 1. Learning foreign languages. This will not only diversify your speech with new beautiful expressions in foreign languages, but will improve memory, open up new horizons when immersed in the language environment

How To Tie A Snowman To A Christmas Tree

How To Tie A Snowman To A Christmas Tree

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Homemade Christmas tree toys are always fun and cute. Traditionally, they are made on a variety of themes related to New Years or winter events. The flowers on the tree are still exotic, although such decorations can already be found. To create Christmas tree decorations, fairy-tale characters, stars and snowflakes, attributes of winter sports - for example, skates and sleds, can be chosen as the basis

How To Make A Natural Flavor With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Natural Flavor With Your Own Hands

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

When purchasing synthetic air fresheners to scent the interior of a car or living space, we often have to deal with a very pungent, artificial smell that causes more headaches than scent delight. You can avoid such a nuisance if you make a do-it-yourself fragrance from natural ingredients

What Stones Are Suitable For Gemini

What Stones Are Suitable For Gemini

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Astromineralogy is a branch of astrology that studies the energetic connections between humans and minerals. In other words, it helps to establish which gems are more suitable for one or another sign of the zodiac. Gemini have a light and sometimes fickle character, so those born under this sign should avoid overly gloomy and imperious stones

How To Make Perfume From Oils

How To Make Perfume From Oils

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

It is not difficult to create perfume from oils at home. In addition, this approach allows you to get a unique flavor. It makes it possible to create, to create something new. Also, this is a great opportunity to save money on buying perfume in the store

How To Get Into The "Wait For Me" Program

How To Get Into The "Wait For Me" Program

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

The program "Wait for Me" has been on the air on Channel One for 12 years. Over the years, her people search system has helped find hundreds of lost people, learn about the fate of those with whom she had to part. Instructions Step 1 Think about the capacity you want to take part in the "

How To Care For Room Geraniums

How To Care For Room Geraniums

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Indoor geraniums are all types of pelargoniums that can be grown at home. With proper care, it blooms all year round, therefore it is widespread in the homes of amateur flower growers. It is necessary - knife or scissors; - wood ash

The Magical Properties Of Violets

The Magical Properties Of Violets

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Violet (Saintpaulia) is a cute indoor flower that magically influences the decor and atmosphere in the house. This plant has special magical properties. When choosing a violet, you should pay attention to the shade of the flowers. After all, it depends on how exactly the saintpaulia will affect the energy in the apartment and on the mood, the character of the people in the family

Holly In Magic And Healing

Holly In Magic And Healing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Holly (holly) is a plant that is especially revered in European countries. It is endowed with both healing and magical properties. However, the holly should be handled carefully: from an assistant, it easily turns into an enemy. Holly or holly is an evergreen plant

The Magical Properties Of Autumn Flowers

The Magical Properties Of Autumn Flowers

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Flowers that bloom in autumn have a special energy. Phlox, dahlias, rudbeckia, asters, chrysanthemums, crocuses, marigolds - all of them are endowed with unique magical properties. What magical gifts are these flowers ready to present to a person?

The Magical Properties Of Poinsettia

The Magical Properties Of Poinsettia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Poinsettia, the most beautiful euphorbia or "Christmas (Bethlehem) star" is a plant that is invariably associated with the winter holidays. Poinsettia blooms in December in scarlet, pink or white large flowers, they resemble stars in shape

The Magical Properties Of Oak

The Magical Properties Of Oak

Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01

Oak is always associated with strength, health, longevity. This tree was very revered by the ancient Slavs, as well as the Celts and Scandinavians. A unique magical energy is concentrated in the oak, which the plant willingly shares with everyone who turns to him for help and support