False mustache is an integral part of volumetric makeup, which is used both in various theatrical productions and film works, as well as in the professional activities of detectives, bodyguards and all those who would like to be unrecognizable. In addition, a mustache is a cosmetic element that hides facial imperfections, scars, etc. A false mustache can drastically change a person's appearance, but they can also simply emphasize and enhance a spectacular appearance. This is why, from time to time, mustache fashion returns. And a fake mustache can help men be at her peak.

It is necessary
crochet hooks, fine tulle, carda, hair
Step 1
Be aware that fake mustaches are made using the tambour method. To do this, you need special posture hooks, thin tulle, a carda - a special flat hair brush, and the hair itself. Part the tufts of hair to length, comb them on a card. Secure the card with the clamps on the table. Arrange the combed hair on a card, cover it with another card or a brush so that it does not fly apart.
Step 2
Lay out the tulle on a stand, determine the shape of the product. Take the crochet hook in your right hand, barb up. Hold it like a pencil.
Pull out a small bundle of hairs from the card, bend them in half, forming a loop, pinch it with the fingers of your left hand.
Step 3
Thread the hook through the tulle loop, then through the hair loop, grab it and pull it through the tulle. Without removing the hook from the loop, hook a few hairs. Hold the tab with your fingers and pull the ends of the hairs through the loop. Tighten it firmly.
Step 4
A double knot is also used for tambouring. In this case, after pulling the hairs into the loop, the knot is not completed. The broach is repeated again and only then the double knot is tightened tightly
Making a mustache by tambour is a painstaking and long process. However, the mustache turns out to be natural, is glued to the skin with special glue and is indistinguishable from the real one.