The Scorpio sign has the element of water, which largely determines the character traits of the people of this sign. Scorpios are highly intuitive people, sensual and at the same time aggressive. They do not tolerate any pressure and are always ready to fight back the offender.

The scorpion's element is water. This is the element of cold, humidity, sensuality and perception. And if other signs of this element are constant internally, but changeable externally, in scorpions everything is exactly the opposite. This is a special sign of water. People born under the sign of the scorpion remain unperturbed outwardly, but inside they boil and seethe, experiencing their feelings with great depth and strength.
Scorpion qualities
Representatives of the element of water cannot be called businesslike and practical people. Like all other signs of this element, scorpions are endowed with a rich and vivid imagination, they love to fantasize and, due to the sophistication of perception and the richness of the inner world, they achieve the greatest success in professions associated with art in all its manifestations. Among the scorpions, there are many artists and performers of the musical genre. Many find themselves in the field of service and food, and the subtlest intuition often leads people of this sign into jurisprudence, allowing them to fully express themselves as a lawyer, criminalist and detective.
Scorpio is very changeable, and his mood can be influenced by both external circumstances and the internal state of the soul. Of all the signs of the trigon of water, the scorpio is the only one who has a strong body and spirit, an inner core. Unlike other signs of this element, he is very aggressive and is able to rebuff everything with which his soul does not agree. One can only marvel at the patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance of a scorpion.
How else does the element of water affect a scorpion
The feelings of a scorpion always prevail over the mind. People who are ruled by the element of water are always ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of a dear and beloved person, and if a scorpio loves, then he loves deeply and sincerely. Scorpions do not know how to forgive. If the partner does not meet their expectations, the scorpion leaves forever and will “lick the wounds” for a long time, hiding from the eyes. He is not used to exchanging himself and is looking for a partner who deserves him. Love and marriage are in the first place in his life, especially for women.
Scorpio, like no other sign, loves consistency, certainty. He must be confident in his protection from any unforeseen situation. But the tendency to daydreaming and fantasies can play a cruel joke with such a person. If the scorpion's illusions are far from reality, and he does not find a way out of this state, he can “calm down” with the help of alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs, etc.