How To Guess For The New Year And Christmastide

How To Guess For The New Year And Christmastide
How To Guess For The New Year And Christmastide

New Year's Eve and Christmastide (from January 7 to January 19) are considered excellent times for fortune-telling. It is best to guess in a female company, but, of course, you can do it alone. So let's get started …

New Year's fortune-telling

Fortune telling on champagne and chocolate

A very simple and rather curious fortune-telling. Its essence is to dip a small piece of chocolate into a glass of champagne at midnight on December 31 and follow its actions. If the chocolate is in motion (either rising or falling), then an eventful year awaits you. If a piece of chocolate lies at the bottom - in the coming year, you should rely not on luck, but on your own strength. It is best if the chocolate floats on the surface - it is believed that in this case everything will go well and smoothly.

Fortune telling on champagne and burnt paper

An unusual fortune-telling for those who are not afraid to swallow the ashes. Before starting the ritual, formulate your most cherished desire as concretely and briefly as possible. On New Year's Eve, as soon as the chimes start beating, very quickly write your wish on a tiny thin piece of paper, then burn it, stir it in champagne and drink the entire contents of the glass. If you manage to do this until the clock strikes for the twelfth time, then we can assume that the ritual is complete.

Fortune telling by candle and map

At 12 o'clock in the morning, spread on the table a map of your hometown, region, Russia or even the world. Now find the point on it where you are at the moment. Place a small candle in this place and light a flame. In which direction it tilts, there it is worth looking for a betrothed. If the flame remains motionless, then your fate is somewhere very close. After completing the ritual, melt this candle completely and pour it into the water. Further, depending on what form the solidified mass has taken, the prediction goes:

  • Round shape - changes in personal life are not expected in the near future.
  • Oval shape - attention, perhaps soon you will meet a very interesting man.
  • Close to square - there is a calm in love, but success in career and study is coming.
  • Close to the triangle - it's time to sort out your feelings and make a choice.

Christmas divination

Divination by the ring

For this ritual, unmarried girls gather, and each one brings with her several different rings. Take a sieve (sieve), fill it with millet, and put all the rings inside. Further, each of the girls present lowers her hand into the millet, scoops up a handful and looks at which ring she got.

  • Gold or with a precious stone - portends a marriage with a rich man.
  • Silver ring - the betrothed will be a guy from a family with an average income.
  • Copper or some other not of the best quality - promises "paradise in a hut."
  • An empty handful - no change is expected on the personal front this year.

Fortune telling on the pie

Male names are written on pieces of thin tissue paper or tracing paper, and a few pieces of paper remain empty. Then these leaves are rolled up and baked into dough. At midnight, the pie is cut into pieces in the women's company. It is believed that the name that is written on a piece of paper in a piece of cake will be the name of the betrothed.

If you got several pieces of paper at once, then there will be so many fans, if it is empty or not a single one, then fateful meetings are not expected in the near future. Only during the ritual is it better to chew gently so as not to inadvertently swallow the prediction.

Fortune telling by phone

On the night before Christmas, randomly dial any phone number - if a man answers, try to find out his name. If you somehow manage to get the person on the other end of the tube talking, try figuring out their hair color, eye color, and even occupation. It is believed that it is precisely such signs that the betrothed will be. If a female voice answers the call, then try your luck 2 more times.
