Surely it happened that you thought about one of your friends and immediately a call was heard from this person. Or you and one of your colleagues have the same idea at the same time. Thoughts are material. We can transmit our thoughts to others. We can make our thoughts a part of reality.

Step 1
If a person is disposed to you, you can reach him with the power of thought. Send your love to your loved ones in your mind, and they will know that you are worried about them. Imagine that you are literally transmitting a thought to the addressee. Your thought, the energy you direct, will certainly be caught by the person to whom it is intended. It is especially easy to interact in a similar way with people whom you have known for a long time, who have common interests with you. After all, everything that a person perceives leaves a trace, affects the way of thinking. It is also possible that material things move into the field of thoughts. If you want to make a person think about himself - lend him, for example, a book, or give him something functional, which is used, that is in plain sight. The main thing is to guess with the gift. Every day, taking out a wallet from his pocket or pouring tea into his favorite cup, a person will think about who presented such a successful gift - about you.
Step 2
The more you cultivate anxiety and fear, the more disturbing thoughts visit you. No wonder there are blackmail and provocation. A person can be destroyed psychologically by scaring him. In a sense, the insurance business can be described as a combination of scare and hope. What you think about, what you dream about, then comes true, it happens to you. Therefore, think about the good. Try to think about what you want, not as unattainable, but as a result that you will definitely come to. Of course, actions in this case are no less important, but we are talking about not getting discouraged. Set yourself up in a positive way.