How To Learn To Move Objects With Your Thoughts

How To Learn To Move Objects With Your Thoughts
How To Learn To Move Objects With Your Thoughts

Table of contents:


Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with one power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of contactless movement of things, and they could not give these facts a scientific explanation. Most often, for the ability to move objects with thought, as well as for playing music, you need a certain gift, but this can be achieved through persistent training.

How to learn to move objects with your thoughts
How to learn to move objects with your thoughts

It is necessary

  • - plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - thread.


Step 1

Start by looking at your pedigree. Perhaps there were already people in your family who were proficient in telekinesis. Ask your grandparents. If you are lucky enough to have paranormal powers in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to learn how to move objects without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, as your abilities can wake up at any moment.

Step 2

If there were no sorcerers in your family, do not be discouraged, you can achieve everything on your own. Find a dot on the wall (if you have a new wallpaper without stains, draw it yourself) and concentrate your attention on it every day for 15 minutes. You should be comfortable and relaxed while doing this. Imagine that rays are emanating from your eyes, which rest on a point.

Step 3

After you have learned to concentrate your attention without any problem, make the exercise harder. Now look steadily at the point while rotating your head. If this exercise was given to you without difficulty, draw a second point on the wall a little lower than the first and, concentrating on the upper one, smoothly shift your gaze to the lower one. You should get the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and pulls it down.

Step 4

Take a plastic cup and place it in front of you on a hard chair. Sit on the floor yourself. Making passes over the glass with your hands (which ones - your intuition will tell you), move it with the power of thought. With careful and regular performance of this exercise, the result should appear within a week.

Step 5

Take a match, tie it by a string and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to make the match turn on its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

Step 6

Once you have successfully mastered the exercises to move the plastic cup and match, you can move larger objects using the same principle.
