Gamma is a sequence of sounds arranged in ascending or descending order. In most cases, the descending scale repeats the same sounds as the ascending scale, but in reverse order. In musical literature, major, minor and chromatic scales are most common.

It is necessary
- - piano;
- - music book;
- - pencil.
Step 1
The easiest way is to build a chromatic scale. The interval between all its sounds is a small second, that is, a semitone. Press any key and build an octave to this sound. Play in a row all the sounds between these two keys, up and down. Write down the chromatic scale.
Step 2
The major scale is built according to the formula that is uniform for all keys: 2 tones - semitone - 3 tones - semitone. Choose any sound. For example, let it be the sound "fa". Build up a big second from this key. You will get the next step in the F major scale, that is, the sound "G". At a distance of a large second from this sound is "la". From this sound, you need to build up a small second, in which there is only half a tone. It will be B-flat. Build the upper part of the scale according to the scheme, which will include the sounds "do", "re", "mi" and "fa". Thus, the ascending scale in F major will look like this: "F", "G", "A", "B-flat", "C", "D", "MI", "FA". Write down the scale. Note that the flat is not placed in front of the note, but at the key. The descending scale can be built according to the formula: semitone - 3 tones - semitone - 2 tones. You can do it easier - read the already recorded notes in reverse order.
Step 3
A variation of the major scale is the harmonic major. It sounds like a minor, since the sixth step is lowered in it. Build a natural major scale, and then lower the sixth step by half a step. In F major, this will be the "D" sound. That is, in harmonic major, instead of pure D, D-flat is taken, both in an ascending and descending scale.
Step 4
Minor scales are also built using the formula. It looks like this: tone - semitone - 2 tones - semitone - 2 tones. Build a natural minor scale from the same F sound. At a tone distance from it is the sound "G", then count out semitones - "A flat". Following the formula, you will get the following sounds - "B-flat", "C", "D-flat", "E-flat", "F".
Step 5
To build a harmonic minor scale, write down the natural scale first, and then raise the seventh notch. That is, instead of the sound "E-flat" take "E". In this case, the key characters in the notes do not change - there were 4 of them, and they remain. Bekar is placed directly in front of the sound. In a harmonic minor, the seventh degree rises in both the ascending and descending directions.
Step 6
The basis of the melodic minor scale is also natural. In the ascending direction, the sixth and seventh steps rise, that is, "re" n "mi". A descending melodic minor is played in the same way as a natural one.