How To Know That A Person Is An Energy Vampire

How To Know That A Person Is An Energy Vampire
How To Know That A Person Is An Energy Vampire

It happens that after communicating with some people, the mood changes for the worse, forces leave the body, a headache begins to torment and an unreasonable melancholy overcomes. Be alert: you may be dealing with an energy vampire.

How to know that a person is an energy vampire
How to know that a person is an energy vampire

Energy vampire - who is this?

This person does not have sharp fangs, does not differ in any special color of eyes and skin, does not bite and does not have to be afraid of the sun's rays. He can be an ordinary passer-by or even a close person.

Energy vampires do not have any external manifestations of their "illness", they can absorb energy through handshakes, aggression and just one look. How, then, do you know that a person is stealing your energy and can you protect yourself from this?

How to calculate an energy vampire?

There are several basic identifying signs of energy vampires:

- Conflictness. Such a person likes to evoke negative emotions in others, he screams and swears on business and just like that, tries

sarcast and contradict the opinions of other people. This is the simplest and most common way to absorb energy.

- Stories about their problems. It is important for a vampire to find a "vest" to drain all the negativity. He can talk for hours about his difficulties in life, while not at all interested in the problems of the interlocutor.

- Jealousy and love for revenge. If a vampire has chosen a permanent victim for himself, he will try to limit the circle of her communication, will patronize and be jealous of new acquaintances.

- Love for telephone conversations. Such people can talk to the “donor” all evening about nothing, and after the conversation the person feels depressed and exhausted, as if his vital energy has gone somewhere. This applies to those same ratchet girls who call often and idle, and then cannot hang up for a long time.

Most often, such people clearly manifest selfish traits.

Where to get an antidote for an energy vampire?

Throw garlic, holy water, and silver bullets into the far corner. You will not need them, because you can resist the energy vampire in other ways.

If an energy vampire tries to provoke you into a conflict, leave the room silently or simply turn a deaf ear to his speeches.

First, hold on to your emotions. Do not throw out a charge of your energy to this person in response to his cues.

Secondly, do not listen to his tearful stories every time (both in life and on the phone). Say that you have a lot to do or that you are not feeling well.

Third, if the energy vampire is a loved one, do not be afraid to let him know about your assumption. Try to solve this problem together. If he does not understand you, think about whether you need such an acquaintance.
