Natural wax is an amazing material. It is a unique product of the secretion of the wax glands of bees and is used to build their main "home" - honeycombs, which are then filled with honey. From millions of wax plates, bees sculpt a wax layer, consisting of many hexahedron cells. They are the basis for wax production.

Step 1
Beeswax is a substance that contains up to fifty chemical elements. It softens easily at elevated temperatures (35 ° C), melts at 62-68 ° C, boils at a threshold of 100 ° C. Dissolves in turpentine, fats, essential oils. High-quality material is durable: it is resistant to microorganisms and the destructive effects of oxygen.
Step 2
In the apiary, to obtain wax, you can use the so-called. dryness from combs, including defective ones (incorrectly rebuilt), and wax build-ups on frames in hives.
Step 3
Before starting processing, sort the wax raw materials by grade. The first grade is a homogeneous light-colored dry without bee bread, frame wax growths without propolis, honeycomb caps. The second grade is brown honeycomb with gaps in the bottoms. Dark, black, spongy raw materials are off-grade.
Step 4
If you decide to reheat the raw materials of the first grade, use the solar wax melter (it is used in apiaries throughout the season). T. N. the heat remaining on the grate contains up to 50 percent of the complete wax. They can be recycled with low-grade raw materials.
Step 5
To process ordinary wax material, boil it for 15-20 minutes until mushy. If possible, take soft rain or river water for this purpose. Squeeze out the mass in a special wax press. If not, use the simplest handcrafted pulp. To make it, find two boards, fasten them with hinges.
Step 6
Put the boiled wax in a bag, put it between the boards and squeeze it into a tub of water. Cover the tub more warmly.
Step 7
Cool the wax mass gradually over about eight to ten hours. During this time, foreign particles of the workpiece will settle to the bottom of the container.
Step 8
After the wax wheel has solidified, remove it from the water and cut off the dirty part from the bottom. If the wax seems unclean to you, melt it again and repeat the procedure.