How To Make Santa Claus Out Of Papier-mâché

How To Make Santa Claus Out Of Papier-mâché
How To Make Santa Claus Out Of Papier-mâché

Decades ago, almost under every tree there was Santa Claus in a white fur coat, made using the papier-mâché technique. To create the attribute of the Soviet New Year, shrouded in a veil of nostalgia, you will need ordinary cotton wool, PVA glue and a small piece of wire.

How to make Santa Claus out of papier-mâché
How to make Santa Claus out of papier-mâché

Adhesive preparation

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of Santa Claus, prepare an adhesive composition. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of flour in 250 ml of cold water. Stir so that no lumps remain in the mass. Boil 1 liter of water in a convenient container and inject the resulting solution in a thin stream while boiling. Stir constantly and cook for 3-4 minutes.

You can use starch instead of flour. Pour 2 tablespoons of starch into a saucepan with 250 ml of cold water. Stir well, add 750 ml of boiling water, put on fire and wait until it boils. If various kinds of manipulations with the preparation of the paste tire you, you can use PVA glue.

Frame formation

The craft will be based on a wire frame. Twist the wire "man" from separate pieces. If the base will be a plastic bottle, make only hands from the wire.

Wrap layers of dry cotton wool tightly on a part of the frame. After the figure has acquired sufficient thickness, take some thread or tape and secure the cotton wool. Divide the cotton mass into thin layers before gluing. Carefully grease each element of the craft with PVA glue or prepared paste and apply a layer of cotton wool. Stick so that the layers are completely wet in the paste.

After finishing the work on shaping the torso, move on to the details of the face and smaller elements. In order for the surface to be even and smooth, during the gluing process, adjust the thickness of each layer, avoid the formation of lumps.

Decorating crafts

If you have tissue paper at your disposal, paste over the blank, thereby leveling the surface. Further work will be carried out only after complete drying, which may take 2 to 4 days. Color the figurine with acrylics or thick gouache.

A smoother craft can be obtained by drying every 3-4 layers of cotton wool for several days. It will take longer, but the product will be more accurate. In order for the structure to gain strength, install it on a doll holder, which can be made from wire or purchased at a craft store.

As a decor, you can use plastic snowflakes, glitter glue, which will help create frosty patterns on a fur coat, and even broken toys. With the latter, you must be especially careful and perform work with gloves.
