Lasso - from the Spanish "loop", "lasso", "lariat" rope with a loop tied at one end. The hinge is a sliding knot that can be pulled or pulled. Lasso is considered an attribute of American cowboys. There are several ways to tie a lasso, the most common knots are Flemish and Honda. To tie each of them, you only need a rope of suitable length (from 3 m and more) and strength.

Step 1
Lay down the rope. Fold one end in half by a third, then turn the double rope into a figure-eight, as shown in the illustration.

Step 2
Pull the double end through the loop at the top of the resulting structure. Tighten the lasso. Done.

Step 3
Tying a lasso into a Honda knot is even easier. Tie one tight knot about the tip of the rope (about 30 cm from the end) and one loose knot about a third of the length of the rope from the first knot.

Step 4
Pass the knotted end of the rope through the free loop of the second knot. Tighten the lasso.