How To Recognize Your Lasso In Tarot

How To Recognize Your Lasso In Tarot
How To Recognize Your Lasso In Tarot

With the help of the date of birth, you can find out the lasso in the Tarot, characterizing the personality traits and the main spiritual task that must be completed throughout life. Developing the qualities inherent in his lasso, a person fully realizes himself and finds a place in society.

How to recognize your lasso in Tarot
How to recognize your lasso in Tarot

First add up all the numbers related to your date of birth. The year is added with four digits, not two. If, as a result of additions, the sum is more than 22, then it must be reduced by 22. If the result is less than 22, then the original number is left unchanged. For example, 2010-10-10 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 5, we leave this number unchanged. Another example: 1999-29-09 = 2 + 9 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 39. This number is greater than 22, so we subtract 22 to get the number 17.

To find out your lasso in the Tarot, compare the result with the list below.

Mage Representatives of this lasso have high vitality and achieve goals, no matter what. As a rule, they have great willpower and a great chance to achieve the almost impossible.

Priestess. All events that take place in the life of this arcana reflect its inner essence. They are able to attract whatever they want into their life.

Empress. People of this type are domineering and very authoritative, they are endowed with leadership qualities and strive to control other people.

Emperor. Just like the previous lasso, it symbolizes lust for power and authority. True, they are usually tougher.

The Hierophant. This lasso characterizes people of conservative views, who rely more on traditions than on norms and laws.

Lovers. People belonging to this type put love at the head of everything and try to achieve it throughout their lives, and when they do, they find true happiness.

Chariot. Arkan characterizes conscious people who are devoid of illusions and very skeptical.

Force. These people are literally filled with aspiration and self-confidence. They are great at dealing with difficulties.

Hermit. This is the main arcana of spiritual people. Their real life directly depends on karma, that is, on the actions that they do.

Fortune. These people, as a rule, very easily achieve what they want, but they often pay for it with something else.

Justice. This lasso says that a person very strongly feels any injustice happening in the world, and reacts painfully to it.

Hanged. These people are very curious and faster than others ask themselves the question of how to recognize their lasso in the Tarot. The main recommendation for them is to calmly accept the events taking place in life.

Death. Representatives of this lasso often play the wrong game. To understand their purpose, they need to get rid of previous sins and start a new bright life.

Moderation. This lasso characterizes balanced, harmonious people who should take care of everything that brings people happiness.

Devil. As a rule, people of this lasso have a very attractive appearance and are able to manipulate other people using tricks.

Star. Single people with any talents or gifts. They may not become famous, but if they put their whole soul in, they will create something great.

Moon. People related to this lasso are more susceptible to various changes and events that occur in life. It is important for them to find their destination as early as possible.

The sun. People of this lasso are called to bring happiness to people, give smiles and receive a lot of gratitude.

Court. Arkan is aimed primarily at knowing oneself, and not other people. It is very important for such people to learn to forget and forgive offenses.

Peace. These people should feel complete and fulfilled from their life experiences and fully realize themselves.

Jester. People of this lasso are more like children - impulsive and free, but this is their main advantage.
