How To Recognize Your Guardian Angel By Date Of Birth And Name

How To Recognize Your Guardian Angel By Date Of Birth And Name
How To Recognize Your Guardian Angel By Date Of Birth And Name

According to the Bible, guardian angels are given to each child at the time of his baptism and walk alongside him throughout his life. Even when a person stumbles and takes an unrighteous path, they do not abandon him. And they simply leave and begin to tirelessly pray for the salvation of the lost soul. And the more interesting it becomes to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name, in order to turn to him in a moment of despair.

How to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name
How to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name

Who is your angel - man or woman?

According to the Bible, all angels are incorporeal beings. They also do not have a bodily image, but at the right time they can take on someone's form. To understand who your guardian angel most often turns into - a man or a woman, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on March 9, 1987. It should be counted like this: 9 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 37. This means that you have a heavenly patron - a girl or a woman, depending on how old she is. If the final number turned out to be even, the defender would be a boy or a man.

guardian angel by date of birth
guardian angel by date of birth

How old is your guardian angel?

Guardian angels are immortal beings. And they, according to religious beliefs, have existed since prehistoric times. Therefore, it is not possible to determine their exact age. However, you can always try to do this. For example, some experts recommend adding the numbers of your day and month of birth. The final number will indicate the age. For example, for a person born on March 9, it will be equal to: 9 + 3 = 12. Teenager! If you, too, turned out that the angel is still a child, do not be upset. After all, even earthly children are more perspicacious than their parents. Who knows what abilities the heavenly ones are endowed with ?!

guardian angel named
guardian angel named

Who is your elemental angel?

The most interesting thing is how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name - the ability to understand what his character is. To do this, you need to calculate the number of the elements of the heavenly protector. This is easy to do: just look at the month of your birth. If the number is single-digit, you can immediately proceed to decryption. If it's two digits, add it up. For example, if you were born in December, the number of angel elements will be: 1 + 2 = 3. Here is the transcript itself:

0 - "Fire". These are the most courageous angels of all, ready to fight for their ward to the bitter end. Their wards are often called lucky.

1 - "Holiness". The most beautiful and kindest angels of all. Their wards are often very polite and well-mannered people, ready to come to the rescue in a difficult situation.

2 - "Light". Angels with large wings and a kind character. They like to show themselves in the mirror, willingly send signs of fate to the guardians. Often they kiss their pets on the cheek, which is why they have a lot of freckles on their faces.

3 - "Air". Carefree guardian angels, able to leave their wards for a while. But if you ask them for help, they will immediately come.

4 - "Wisdom". Very wise angels who give tips in any situation. Their wards are literate people who are successful in their studies and careers.

5 - "Metal" - Strong angels with powerful wings. They rush to help the ward when he cries or grieves. They are able to endow him with longevity.

6 - "Rainbow". These are angels who love to fly in the clouds and play the flute. Their charges are people with creative abilities.

7 - "Energy". A kind of energy "clots. They can take on various images and change their color. They are very touchy, but loyal. They give their wards prophetic dreams.

8 - "Man". In this case, a person's guardian angel is a close, but already deceased person. He is very kind and is almost always there.

9 - "Heat". These guardian angels are constantly next to a person. They may appear before him as a close friend, animal, or even a parent.

guardian angel by element
guardian angel by element

What is the name of your guardian angel?

In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that the guardian angel has the same name that was given to you at baptism. According to this principle, a church calendar was even created with an indication of the name day. But the heavenly protector can be called in another way. To find out exactly how, you can do the following: on the day of your angel or on any religious holiday, sit down, calm down, close your eyes and throw all thoughts out of your head. Ask the angel to identify himself.

If the same name comes to your mind several times, remember it. If you are not sure you got the name correctly, ask for a sign. Then, for a few seconds, watch or listen to what is happening around. A knock on the window, a breeze, or even an unexpectedly loud meow of a cat can be a sign.

what is the name of the guardian angel
what is the name of the guardian angel

Should you believe in the calculations?

Now, when the answer has been received to the question of how to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth and name, it remains to understand whether it is worth believing the calculations. In fact, everything is individual. It all depends on your faith and its strength. But in our opinion, all these calculations are made by people, and therefore only allow you to touch the subtle world slightly. How and what happens in Heaven and what guardian angels they are, nobody knows for certain.
