How To Predict Fate By Date Of Birth

How To Predict Fate By Date Of Birth
How To Predict Fate By Date Of Birth

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Numerology is based on the reduction of multi-digit numbers to single numbers. According to astrologers, each value from 1 to 9 carries an information load and has certain characteristics. Thus, a single result has a key impact on the formation of a person's personality and his life as a whole.

How to predict fate by date of birth
How to predict fate by date of birth


Step 1

To make dates readable, perform various arithmetic operations. For example, your date of birth is 1979-04-11. Find out the name number by adding 0 + 4 = 4. Select the last two digits of the year of birth: 7 + 9 = 16. You've got a life cycle. This means that every 16 years, an update procedure will be performed in your destiny. Therefore, every 16 years, get ready to face key life events.

Step 2

Keep in mind that the penultimate digit of the year (yours is 7) is a manifestation of the father's influence, and the last digit of the date of the year (yours is 9) is a manifestation of the mother's influence. A larger number has a greater impact on you. There are ideal options when the last digits of the year are equal, which indicates the harmonious influence of parents.

Step 3

Multiply the day and month of birth by the year. Your number is 4, and your month is 11, line up these numbers: 411. So 411 * 1979 = 813369. Add up all the numbers of the resulting result, you get the level of personal potential: 8 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 30. The normal potential is considered in the range from 21 to 46. Therefore, a lower value corresponds to your lower energy level, a greater deviation from the norm indicates a strong personality energy.

Step 4

Build a life schedule. To do this, take the number obtained after you multiply the date and month of birth by the year of birth. Set aside the values of the numbers on the abscissa, and transfer their values to the ordinate. Thus, you will have one by one - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. On the x-axis, 8, 1, 3, 3, 6, 9 will correspond. Now put the points in the plane: the first is 0, the second is at the intersection of y = 1 and x = 8. The second point corresponds to your cycle, which is 16 years. Set aside the third point at the intersection of y = 2 and x = 1. This is the point of the next cycle 16 + 16 = 32 years. Set aside all 9 points in a similar manner.

Step 5

You will see the flow of fate on the graph. The ups and downs shown on the graph will be exactly the age of the ups and downs in life. The lower the point falls on the chart, the worse the situation should be expected in this period. So, a point with abscissa coordinate 0 means great danger. On the contrary, the peaks of the graph indicate a person's social upsurge.
