The pike is a cunning voracious fish. Its appearance is familiar to most fishermen. This freshwater predator is one of the most common fish in our country. To catch a pike, you need to know several features of its habitat.

Step 1
In Russia, pike can be found almost everywhere. In addition to our country, its habitat covers most of Europe and northern Asia. This fish inhabits the basins of the Aral, Baltic, Caspian and Black seas.
Step 2
In spring, most of the pike population can be found in bays with swampy shores. The pike chooses places for a spring camp on several grounds. First of all, the bay should be shallow. The shores of the bay are mostly swampy and covered with reeds. In such bays, the water is easily warmed up by the sun. The second sign is the protection of the reservoir from the wind. The presence of wind contributes to the formation of waves and ripples in the water. And this, in turn, interferes with the penetration of sunlight. The absence of one of the listed features makes the reservoir unattractive for the pike population. Fishing in such a place will be bad. The earlier the bay warms up, the earlier the peak of pike activity will come in it. This is due to the fact that algae appear faster where the water warms up best. In such algae, fry swim and hide, which are attractive prey for pikes.
Step 3
During the spawning season, which begins immediately after the ice melts, pike can be found in thickets of reeds and decaying vegetation of last year. As a rule, pike spawns at a depth of only 50 cm. In these places, the water is weak and dirty. During this period, catching a pike with bait is quite problematic. A spawning pike will likely ignore anything you try to offer it.
Step 4
Immediately after spawning, flocks of large individuals swim along the coastline in search of places where sufficient food can be found. When a bay with well-heated water and food fish is found, the pikes stay in it and begin to hunt for fry.