Marina Alexandrova: Children And Husband

Marina Alexandrova: Children And Husband
Marina Alexandrova: Children And Husband

Actress Marina Aleksandrova found her female happiness far from the first attempt. In front of the public, her relationship with her colleague Alexander Domogarov developed for several years. The lovers lived together, but it did not come to the wedding. Then in the life of Marina there was an official marriage with actor Ivan Stebunov, which lasted less than two years. And only for the third time fate smiled at her, giving her a meeting with the director Andrei Boltenko, who became for Alexandrova her beloved husband and father of her children.

Marina Alexandrova: children and husband
Marina Alexandrova: children and husband

Long-awaited happiness

Marina loves to remember the first time she saw, or rather, heard her future husband in 2006 in Sochi at the Five Stars music festival. The actress was invited to play the leading role in tandem with Andrei Malakhov, and Andrei Boltenko served as the chief director of the project. He supervised the course of the event, so he was constantly in touch with all the participants through a special earpiece. Marina heard his voice, but, alas, she did not feel anything special. But Andrei already then thought, looking at the beautiful actress through the monitor, that he would like to see her as his wife.


The next time they met several years later. Aleksandrova by that time managed to get married and divorce the actor Ivan Stebunov. For a long time, the former spouses did not discuss the reasons for their separation from the press. Only recently, Ivan said that his betrayal of his wife during the tour led him to divorce. Marina guessed everything, but for another year the couple tried to save their marriage, until their paths parted forever.

When the chance brought Boltenko and Alexandrova together in the company of mutual acquaintances, they were finally able to see each other. According to the actress's recollections, their conversation dragged on for several hours. Then Andrei invited her to drive around Moscow at night and even entrusted the management of his car, which completely bribed the girl.

Marina enthusiastically told reporters about the beautiful courtship of her future husband. For example, Boltenko presented her with a rare issue of the magazine "Soviet Screen", published in August 1982 - at the time when Alexandrova was born. Having learned about her love for the cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog", he presented the girl with one of the sketches of its creator Yuri Norshtein. Marina was also given unforgettable emotions by joint trips with Andrey, and she never knew in advance where they were going.

Only after meeting Boltenko, the actress learned, according to her, what true love is. Previous feelings and relationships faded, began to seem fake, saturated with pain and disappointment. Andrei, on the contrary, sought to make her life easy, comfortable, surrounded by care and attention. On the one hand, Alexandrova is a little sorry that her path to happiness turned out to be so difficult, and on the other, she sees this as her own fault. Complexes and spiritual problems did not allow her to find inner harmony, but self-love is the main condition for success in her personal life.

About the husband of Marina Alexandrova

Since 2011, the lovers began to live together. Soon, rumors about the romance between the actress and the television director leaked to the press. Of course, the fans wanted to know more about the new chosen one of Alexandrova.

Andrei Boltenko was born in 1973 in New York, where his father worked as a translator for the United Nations. The family returned to their homeland when their son was already 5 years old. At 16, the future director tried his hand at television, participating in the projects of the VID company, the Kosmos-10 music channel and even in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin.


Boltenko received his higher education at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia with a degree in International Journalism. Almost all of his professional activities are associated with Channel One. In 1999 he headed the Music Broadcasting Office at ORT, then the Night Broadcasting Directorate. In 2005 Boltenko was appointed chief director of the First Channel. On his account are such projects as "Evening Urgant", "King of the Ring", "Two Stars", as well as the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, for which he received three TEFI awards.

In addition to entertainment events, the famous TV director directed two Inauguration Ceremonies of the President - in 2008 and 2012. Well, his greatest achievement in his career can be considered the development of the script and staging of the Opening Ceremony of the Sochi Olympics in 2014, which shocked the whole world with its beauty, symbolism, harmonious interweaving history, music, dance and sports.

In 2016, Boltenko left Channel One and is now engaged in individual projects of his own television company, whose activities are related to the filming of entertainment events.

Family life of the actress

According to press reports, Alexandrova and Boltenko did not formally formalize the relationship. Their first-born son Andrei was born on July 11, 2012 in New York, where the head of the family worked on the Olympic ceremony for Sochi. The boy was named after his father and grandfather (Marina's dad). In December 2012, journalists learned that the young parents were secretly married.


On the first birthday of his son, Boltenko edited a film that consisted of the most important moments in a child's life over the past year. Marina liked the idea incredibly, and her husband promised her to make such videos every year until Andrey's 16th birthday.

The couple decided not to stop at one child, so three years later - on September 26, 2015 - they had a daughter, Ekaterina. The girl was named after Empress Catherine II, who happened to be played by her mother in the series of the same name.


Since then, Alexandrova has been trying to combine her career with raising children, although she still puts the role of a mother in first place. Son Andrey pleases parents with non-standard thinking and love for learning the Japanese language. The daughter fascinates with the mischievous spontaneity characteristic of many children at her age. And the actress is happy that her heirs get along well with each other.


With the advent of children, Marina and her husband started a family tradition - to spend weekends all together, to plan joint leisure activities for at least one day a week. Sometimes spouses like to go on a trip only together. They like to visit Japan, attend biennials of contemporary art in different parts of the world. Alexandrova admits that her husband opened a wonderful world for her, another reality that she did not even know about. “One of the coolest things in my life is that I married the best man,” says happy Marina.
