How To Make Felt

How To Make Felt
How To Make Felt

Table of contents:


In fact, felt is the highest grade of felt. Felt is known to be made by felting wool. Or - rolling out. Hence the shoe, widely known in Russia, is felt boots. In some regions, they are called wire rods.

How to make felt
How to make felt

It is necessary

  • - fluff or high quality wool;
  • - roller or rolling pin;
  • - bubble wrap;
  • - warm soapy water;
  • - napkins.


Step 1

"Felt" is translated from French and means "felt". It is made of thin wool hair - fluff. Mainly used is the down of rabbit, goats, rabbits, wool of fine-fleeced sheep, as well as the waste of the fur of valuable fur animals. Distinguish between smooth and pile felt. Pile, in turn, is subdivided into "suede felt", short-haired, velor and long-haired.

Step 2

Felting, or roll, is the process by which the fibers of the wool are intertwined and intertwined. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the wool fiber - scaly - wool has the ability to fall off. This is called roll capacity. In the process of making felt, elastic fibers are intertwined in a special way, which subsequently gives them the ability to contract under mechanical stress in conditions of humidity, temperature and a certain acidic environment. As a result, the felt shrinks up to 80% in area. At the same time, its density and strength increases many times over.

Step 3

To make sheet felt that can then be used for decorative purposes and for crafts, purchase fluff or high quality wool, for example, from the market. Better if a specific owner containing goats or rabbits. You can buy wool in the retail network, already dyed in the colors you need.

Step 4

Crack the wool well before felting. It is a dusty process that takes time and diligence. Pulling will cleanse the coat. If it has been very dirty, it is permissible to wash it carefully beforehand, but without using the machine. The store-bought semi-finished product is already ready for felting.

Step 5

Prepare the table and cover it with plastic wrap. Place a well-concentrated soap solution based on laundry soap and pour it into a dispenser bottle for convenience. The water must be warm to work. Prepare sheets of film, some bubble wrap, a photographic roller or rolling pin, napkins. Be patient.

Step 6

Spread the first layer of fluff on a moistened table surface, moisten it with warm soapy water from a bottle and cover with a bubble wrap. Press down while smoothing with your hands to distribute the water evenly. Seal with a roller or rolling pin. Lay the next layer, repeating the same operations until the required sheet thickness is achieved. Remove excess water and foam with a tissue.

Step 7

After laying and rolling 5-7 layers, blot the remaining water with a towel. Trim the irregularities with scissors and dry. Use finished products for making toys, decorating clothes and shoes. And take into account all the flaws of the "first pancake" in subsequent attempts.
