How To Choose Binoculars

How To Choose Binoculars
How To Choose Binoculars

Observing devices are precision optical-mechanical systems. In order to choose binoculars, it is necessary to know the fundamental and design features, which, in most cases, are not indicated in the accompanying documentation, including some optical characteristics, the deviation of which poses a danger to the health of the observer.

How to choose binoculars
How to choose binoculars

For example, such optical characteristics are:

  • difference in magnification;
  • parallelism of beams emanating from the eyepieces;
  • the difference in angles when rotating the image in the left and right tubes.

By law, manufacturers must be responsible for ensuring that their products have a safe health value for the specified specifications of binoculars.

To begin with, you need to know which binoculars you want to choose, for what needs you will need them.

One of the main factors when choosing such an optical device is the operating temperature range of the binoculars, in which it remains operational. Manufacturers of such devices are required to indicate the performance characteristics in the accompanying documentation.

The second factor when choosing a product is the material from which the body of the optical device is made. High-quality binoculars are made of light metal alloys (magnesium, aluminum, etc.), but at the same time, you can find binoculars on the market made of fiberglass, various types of plastics, etc.

So which model should you choose?

Optical instruments made of plastic are much lighter, which is much more convenient to use. But, you should know that the most modern plastics cannot be better than metal alloys in terms of reliability and temperature changes. Therefore, focusing on temperature changes in Russia, manufacturers do not abandon cases made of metal.

It is also necessary to know that binoculars are a product of long-term use, and you will need to know who to make a complaint about the quality and free elimination of defects. Therefore, the seller is obliged to provide you with documentary guarantees and confirmation that the device you are buying has the necessary technical characteristics.

So, in this article you have found almost all the features of binoculars, noted the parameters that are harmful to health, explained the optical characteristics. We hope this will help you choose the binoculars you need.
