Dancing is such a thing, success in it is not achieved immediately. To dance well, you need to train every day, develop your body wisely. You need to find professional dancers who will teach you everything and pay them a lot of money. But if you have a goal, you will achieve everything.

Step 1
Train vigorously. If you are fond of Irish dancing, for example, this does not mean that you do not need to train your arms, even though they are not used in Irish dancing. Any dance requires general good physical shape. Generally speaking, it is better to practice several dances at once: one type of dance - seriously, others - just as an introduction, so that with their help you can train other muscles and learn to better understand your body and better control it.
Step 2
You should be able to approach the dance wisely and know when which muscles are tightening so that you can stretch later. The main danger when exercising without stretching is that the muscles will get shorter and lose their original flexibility. This rule applies to any physical exercise (running, working with simulators), you can not neglect this when you are engaged in dancing. Therefore, no matter how much you hate to do the "butterfly" and "sit on the twine", do it and you will not regret it.
Step 3
Work on your technique. Dancing is not only a sport, not even so much a sport as an art. Here, plasticity, a sense of rhythm, knowledge of music, the ability to move in a team and, with all this, smile and shine with happiness are very important: no one will award you the title of the best dancer if you dance with a sour face on your face.
Step 4
To learn to dance better than anyone, you need to first talk to those who dance better than you at this stage. There are such people, you are not the only star in this horizon. Therefore, take from them everything that they can give you: training techniques, movements, special combinations. Borrow all the good stuff, from how to get into a positive mood to dietary habits, from basic movements to makeup techniques for a show. You look - soon you yourself will teach them.
Step 5
Before you strive to "jump over yourself", think about whether you really need it. Best of all, you still will not learn to dance. You can beat everyone at salsa, but it's disgusting to dance tango or stand like a tree stump at a club party. If you are not a pro, dancing should first of all bring you pleasure - physical, aesthetic. Dancing is a great alternative to a boring gym if you're trying to keep fit. The main thing is not to give life to the dance, but to let the dance decorate life in bright colors.