The Magical Properties Of Heather

The Magical Properties Of Heather
The Magical Properties Of Heather

"Rejuvenating herb", "herb that bestows immortality" - this is how the magic heather is often called. The evergreen shrub was once revered by the Druids, and in Norway it is a national plant to this day. Heather is used in cooking, folk medicine, and also in magic, because the plant is endowed with amazing magical properties.


Heather grows in different parts of the world. In Russia, the plant is widespread in Siberia, as well as in the European region of the country. You can find thickets of shrubs, which are called heather wastelands, in coniferous forests, in sandy lowlands, in swampy areas.

For a long time, healers and healers have turned to this plant for help. Heather magically affects the nervous system, calming a person, relieving anxiety and neurotic state. Means based on this plant fight insomnia, overwork, and inflammatory processes in the body.

The magical properties of heather have been known since time immemorial. It is believed that the bush has a very soft, cold aura, which “cools down” emotions and clarifies consciousness. Heather is under the auspices of Venus and is associated with the water element. As a personal amulet, it should be especially chosen by people born in September and October.

Heather's main magical abilities

A pretty shrub with fragrant small flowers is a plant that witches, shamans, magicians and psychics love very much. Heather helps to enter the necessary trance state during meditative or magical practices, it reveals psychic abilities and awakens, stimulates intuition, the gift of foresight.

If you put a bag of heather under your pillow, you can forget about bad dreams forever. In addition, the plant protects the sleeping person, and also helps to learn how to manage dreams. People who inhale the smell of heather before bedtime often see prophetic dreams at night.

Shrub is in demand during spiritualistic sessions. He helps to open the gates to the other world, to get in touch with the souls of the dead.


For a long time, the heather plant has been known as a very strong natural amulet. Bush branches protect from magical effects (damage, evil eye, curses, love spells, hassles, and so on), from energy vampires. If you hang a bundle of magic heather over the front door, then no evil person can cross the threshold of the apartment. In addition, heather will protect against thefts, burglaries, fires and other unforeseen negative circumstances.

Going on a long trip, you should put heather flowers or a few twigs in your clothes pocket. The natural talisman will protect you during a long journey, will help you return home without delays and problems. Heather as a talisman is recommended for girls and women. It will protect you from violence.

Among the magical properties of heather, the ability of a shrub to attract money is noted. To improve your financial situation with this plant, it is enough to put leaves or dried heather flowers in your wallet.

The magical bush attracts good luck and success. When going to an interview or any important negotiations, it will be useful to grab a sprig of heather with you. The plant will help to achieve the goal, as well as endow its owner with the gift of eloquence, make a person open, communicative and positive.

With the help of heather, you can fumigate rooms in order to get rid of negative energy, all evil and essences from the subtle world. Heather smoke will also attract harmony into the house, "disperse" stagnant energy, improve mood and well-being.
