The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs: Weak Points In Theory

The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs: Weak Points In Theory
The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs: Weak Points In Theory

Our ancestors, in their quest to learn the laws of the universe, made a significant emphasis on magical interaction with the Universe. It is the identification of the tendencies inherent in inanimate matter in the human essence that has become a key point in case studies. It even got to the point that the conscious function of a person began to be identified with destructive and uncontrollable global processes, which were designated as elements, divided into four categories. And already at this stage it becomes clear how untenable this worldview is.

The zodiac elements, according to astrologers, determine the development of a person
The zodiac elements, according to astrologers, determine the development of a person

Modern man differs from his ancestors, first of all, by an inquiring mind and a desire to know the world from a logical point of view, rejecting any reason to reason irrationally, which is characteristic of traditional religion and all kinds of esoteric and occult trends, which take some ancient knowledge of mankind as the primary sources of their teachings. That is, in the very idea of these antiscientific doctrines, in its primary and fundamental basis, a legislative basis has already been laid, based on the unknown and supernatural (unknowable!) Principle of the formation of all that exists.

However, the conscious function, working exclusively on a logical principle, rejects all types of irrationality, because it is in this direction that humanity has achieved the dynamic development of civilization and scientific and technological progress. And if society still expected the result from "mutually beneficial" cooperation with some supernatural forces or tried to influence the outside world by revealing "subtle connections" with space, then, most likely, the representatives of humanity would run around in the skins of killed animals and heated their caves with dead plants.


Thus, the craving of charlatans and imaginary magicians for rituals and immoral activities today is completely incompatible with a progressive approach to the real world, the knowledge of which is so dynamically happening precisely in a scientific way. With regard to the signs of the zodiac, there are many reasons for their immoral and anti-scientific approach to the study of man in his relationship with the surrounding reality.

But, even without entering into a long polemic with representatives of this subculture, who take ordinary psychosomatics and zombies for some kind of confirmation of their pseudoscientific activity, I would like to indicate obvious incidents and inconsistencies at the very first stage of their "creativity".

Starting with the four elements of the Zodiac, which include water, air, earth and fire, I would like to immediately identify a clear dissonance in this sequential series. After all, water (matter in a liquid state), earth (matter in a solid state) and air (matter in a gaseous state) are in no way compatible with fire, which is only a manifestation of thermal energy (the coarsest form of energy) when it is released during a chemical reaction matter, which is accompanied by the formation of new types of matter. After all, for example, the sequential series "apple, pear, orange and bicycle" cannot be called adequate and logical, taking into account its semantic load.


It is clear that "ancient knowledge" could not operate with modern achievements in the field of science. But, nevertheless, having reached the present time in an unchanged form, it should, according to the logic of things, be transformed into a certain modern format of perception or completely disappear as an irrelevant method of understanding the world. The essence of the remark made about the elements of the Zodiac boils down to the fact that the inadequate division of human beings into the given categories in the most fundamental basis already lays not just a mistake, but an obvious and deliberate contradiction that cannot be resolved in a positive way.

That is, a person in this value system is divided into categories that, in principle, cannot be combined in any way. But society is formed from their representatives, which leads to complete and constant antagonism, destroying any social structures. It turns out that because of the baseless theories of ignorant people, an unworkable configuration of relations is created, in which, roughly speaking, any situation can be justified. Moreover, in this case, the will of any forces can be brought under theoretical justification, which is immoral in the very principle of a free human society.

For example, interpreters of the signs of the Zodiac hammer the heads of people in such a way that they no longer reason logically, but are guided by their "gibberish". Zombification occurs, leading to the deprivation of the basic human value - free will.


The elements can, of course, be speculated in the context that they represent the main destructive phenomena on our planet. In this regard, the earth (earthquake), fire (volcanic eruptions, global fires), water (tsunamis, floods and floods) and air (hurricanes, tornadoes) will play only a negative, destructive role. And this, by its very essence, contradicts the process of the evolution of the Universe. Because of what it turns out that all the astrologers of the world automatically fall into the category of outdated or immoral representatives of humanity, fascinated by their imaginary abilities to control the outside world and people prone to zombies.
