The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs

The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs
The Elements Of The Zodiac Signs

It is generally accepted that the signs of the zodiac are divided into four groups of elements: fire, water, air and earth. However, astrologers look deeper and claim that each zodiac sign in its element group has a certain state.

stihii znakov zodiaka
stihii znakov zodiaka

Fire group

Fire signs include Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Common features: fervor, desire to dominate.

Aries is a fire, an unbridled flame that can burn everything in its path, so people of this sign are quick-tempered, stubborn and do not like to obey. In love and sex, they flare up instantly, like matches, but just as quickly burn out when they get what they want.

The lion is a peaceful fire in the fireplace, which is pleasant to look at. Such a fire must be constantly maintained, otherwise it will go out. In this regard, Leos are capricious, narcissism is characteristic of them. But also these people have incredible magnetism and sexuality. The inner fire of Leo needs to be supported by compliments, affection. In addition to physical touch, Leos value warmth.

Sagittarius is the fire of a bonfire, warming and exciting. Such a fire beckons with adventure and the spirit of adventurism, it can be difficult to ignite and just as difficult to protect from gusty winds (failures). Like Leo, Sagittarius constantly needs someone to throw fresh impressions on them, so sometimes they go all out.


Water group

Water protects and heals Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces. But each of these three has its own state of water.

Cancer is hot steam, an intermediate state between water and air, so they can easily transform and adapt to life situations, although they give the impression of being fragile people. The changeable state of water in Cancer affects their mood: they are either hot in their judgments, then they cool down and forget about the bad.

Scorpios are ice that burns with their coldness when they first meet. Ice people are attractive and full of intrigue. It can be very difficult to split and melt such people. But if Scorpios sincerely love, they turn into melt water - tasty, cool, thirst quenching.


Fish is a deep lake. It is possible to raise their thoughts and secrets from the very bottom only by thoroughly stirring up such water. Sometimes Pisces themselves do not know what is hidden in their depths. In a good mood, the water of Pisces is clear and quiet. But in the bad it becomes muddy and viscous, like in a swamp. For a harmonious existence, Pisces needs self-purification, so they are often engaged in introspection.

Air group

The elements of air belong to Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Common features: mutability.

Gemini is a light breeze that changes its direction depending on their interests. Like the wind of change, Gemini is changeable, constantly in motion. Since the breeze is a warm wind, Gemini do not know how to take offense at loved ones for a long time, they are easy-going and have a cheerful and friendly disposition.


Aquarius is a draft, sudden, impetuous. Such a wind cannot be kept within four walls, therefore Aquarians do not like to be limited by some kind of framework and conventions. They come and go as they please, and just as easily change their words and decisions. Like Gemini, Aquarians are playful, but in a bad mood they will cool anyone.

Libra is a tornado, a wind of chaos. It is difficult to predict whether such a wind will pass by or sweep you away on its way. Libra's head and heart are almost always a mess, they act following only understandable logic. They are impulsive, turn on quickly and subside only when they reach their goal.

Earth group

Land signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. Common features: firmness of character.

Taurus is the most earthly mother, nurse, fertile soil. In this regard, almost any Taurus projects are crowned with success. Taurus are stable, tend to philosophize, to protect. They love to eat deliciously, they know how to present everything beautifully - from food to gifts. Generous with those they love. But the land of Taurus will not bear fruit without diligence and some care, so it is not recommended to be lazy for this sign.

Virgo is a mountain, impregnable, but alluring. Hence the severity, and the exactingness of himself in the first place, and others. Virgo will never give up without a fight. But those who overcome all obstacles will discover the unprecedented beauty of her soul. As you will treat Virgo, this is how she will be for you: either a mountain with clean air, rare flowers and juicy herbs, or a rocky surface - impenetrable, cold, surrounded by clouds.


Capricorn is a stone. He, like Virgo, can be cold and uncomfortable. But, warmed by the rays of the sun, a hot stone can heal and delight. For others, Capricorn can sometimes be incomprehensible or simple-minded, but you should not rely on the first impression. Capricorn's emotions are strong, he is loyal and reliable, but it is easy to offend him, and then the response - stone degeneration of evil words will not be long in coming.

Elemental compatibility

If you carefully read the descriptions, then it is easy to guess that the elements are interconnected. The fire can ignite from the wind, or it can go out. In this regard, the relationship between people of fire and air can be contradictory. Water restrains the pressure of fire and nourishes the earth, therefore water signs control fire signs well and get along with earthly ones. The wind, in turn, excites the water, so water signs with air are interesting, people of the air urge them on adventures.

The elements not only determine the character, but can also heal their representatives. Water people are shown water procedures: swimming pool, relaxing baths, etc. Fire people need dry warmth. Scented candles or the warmth of a family hearth can tune fire signs in the desired way.

Air people need to walk more and, if possible, use devices for air purification and ionization in the room. Earth signs are inspired by their roots, they have a strong bond with their ancestors. A trip to visit relatives or just communication with the family will help replenish the energy balance. Mud therapy and stone therapy are suitable for the people of the earth.
