Small perches are often found in large numbers. To catch the larger specimens, the fisherman will need skill. While small perches are little appreciated even by novice fishermen, their large relatives are the favorite prey of specialists, which, moreover, quite rarely gets hooked.

Step 1
Spinning spoon.
In stagnant waters such as lakes, ponds and canals, the spinner is the best bait for perch. In spring and summer, when most of the spiny-finned predators swim close to the surface of the water, the spoon can be driven faster and more energetically than in autumn and winter. In the cold season, a spoon with a sinker and a very slow game can make a perch lurking at the bottom to bite.
Step 2
For targeted catching of large perches, wobblers are best suited. In the spring and summer, these should be floating models, and in the fall and winter, sinking and sinking quickly.
Step 3
Sheer lures and oscillating lures.
During winter fishing for perch from a boat in deep lakes, the best tricks are for sheer lures or fly spoons. These lures are delivered with vertical rod movements without the need for casting. Oscillating lures shouldn't be played too hard, just wiggle them up and down. For steep fishing, only braided line is suitable, as it withstands the bite of perch better than mono line. To prevent the fish from slipping off the hook, you need to use soft-model rods and monofilament leads about a meter long. In canals and ports, this method is mainly suitable for winter fishing near sheet piles.
Step 4
Small spoons are great for catching active and aggressive perch, especially in summer, when predators simply bump into schools of fish. At the same time, the water on the surface literally boils. It is worth using heavier spinners, throwing them directly into the area where the fish accumulate. With this type of fishing, it is important to close the reel immediately after casting, since perches usually appear immediately and in large quantities.
Step 5
Silicone fish and twisters.
Silicone fish are not ideal bait for perch in stagnant waters. They can only be used over flat sandy and pebbly bottoms to target large single fish. Better than silicone fish with a sinker (shads), models with a sinker in the belly are suitable here. This bait can be purchased at specialized stores.