Despite the abundance of various equipment in fishing shops, they prefer to fish perch with a spoon. These lures come in two flavors and the angler needs to know when and which one to use.

Perch is a predatory schooling fish leading a diurnal lifestyle. It has its own peculiarity: it reacts more to the noise emitted by the bait leash than to its glare or color. For this reason, rotating rigs should be chosen for this fish.
What types of lures are there?
Among the spoons, there are two main groups: rotating and oscillating. Fishermen call them "spinners" and "vibrators". These categories of rigs include a variety of lures with different sizes, colors, shapes. All of them are used with spinning reels and require skill in bait leash. When trolling, it is preferable to use tackle of slow or medium action.
What is the best bait for perch?
When fishing for perch, it is recommended to use only "turntables". They are more effective in this type of fishing, as they are equipped with a rapidly rotating petal, emitting noises that attract the attention of the perch. You need to take with you about a dozen spinners of this type of various colors and sizes. Spinning lures of large numbers do not need to be purchased: they are not suitable for catching perch.
The largest lures of this plan are numbered 7, the smallest - from 00. The numbers indicating the size of the spinning lures are engraved on their petals. When preparing for fishing, it is recommended to take various equipment nos. 1-3 inclusive. This advice is due to the fact that it is impossible to determine in advance which bait is preferable for the perch. We'll have to work with each spoon, alternately changing them until it becomes clear which one will be the most successful today.
In recent years, a novelty has appeared among fishing equipment: poppers. This plastic bait can also be used for perch fishing: it is often effective with a leash in the windows of thickets of grass. Experienced fishermen always take poppers with them if they have to catch perch in an unfamiliar body of water, and they will definitely try this rig for luck in this place.
Among spinning lures, Mepps lures are considered the best. For perch fishing, lures with a petal length of 5-6 cm are suitable. These are the Lusox, Comet Blak Furu, Comet Dessore, Aglia Long and Aglia models. If you have to fish at a depth of more than 1.5 m, Lusox lures are the best choice. These lures are equipped with removable lead heads, which can be changed to determine which one is the best bite.
The Aglia model is considered one of the most effective perch lures. It is the noisiest, since its petal has a specific structure: it is deflected from the bait axis by 60o. It is advisable to use a red rig, since the perch is very active when it is seen.