How To Crochet A Hood

How To Crochet A Hood
How To Crochet A Hood

Table of contents:


The hood is a very comfortable piece of clothing for both a child and an adult. You can put it on in cool autumn weather, and wear it under a hat in winter. Crocheting it will not be difficult.

How to crochet a hood
How to crochet a hood

It is necessary

  • For baby hood:
  • 50 g of yarn and hook No. 5
  • For a large hood:
  • 100 g of yarn and hook number 3


Step 1

Tie a baby's hood, size 62. Knit in a knobby pattern. Density of knitting - 10 cm 16 loops and 10 rows. Start the knot pattern with a chain of air loops. First row: on the second, and then on each first air loop, knit 1 tbsp. b / n. At the end of the row, knit an air loop. Second row: Art. b / n, insert the hook into the full base of the loop. At the end of the row, also knit an air loop. Third row: 1 "bump" and 1 air loop. Repeat to the end of the row. In order to tie the "bump", insert the hook into the full base of Art. b / n, pull out the loop and insert the hook into the first st. b / n, pull the thread, make a yarn over, insert the hook into the second st. b / n, pull out the loop and knit all seven loops together with the yarn. At the end of the row, knit an air loop. Knit the fourth and subsequent rows in the same way, alternating between the "knob" and the air loop. For a "bump" hook, insert the hook into the full base of the loops of the lower "bump" and air loop. Finish the rows with the same air loops. For the knitting of the hood, cast 42 air loops and 1 air lifting loop (26 cm). In the second row, knit 2 tbsp evenly on 1 loop 10 times. b / n. After 20 cm (19 rows), leave 8 loops in the middle and knit both parts separately another 2 cm. For the plank, knit 2 rows of st. b / n along the edges of the hood shelves. Insert the hook into each "bump" and upper lifting loop. Tie one "knob" at the front edge 4 times. To tie the hood, make 2 laces with pom poms.

Step 2

Tie a hood of two symmetrical halves for sizes 40 - 42. Main pattern: st. s / n, replace the first loop of each row with 3 chain lifting loops. Make a chain of seven chain loops and three lifting loops. Knit with basic pattern. Add loops as follows: in the second row, 1 time, 3 loops, 10 loops in total. In the third row, 1 time, 2 loops, for a total of 12 loops. Then tie 41 chain stitches and 3 lift chain stitches. Turn the job. In the fourth row, tie 14 connecting posts, 12 tbsp. b / n, knit 27 loops with the main pattern. In the fifth row, make 46 loops with the main pattern, knit 5 half-columns and 2 tbsp. b / n. There will be 53 loops in total. In the sixth row, add 3 loops. In total, you get 56 loops. Knit 24 cm from the inlaid edge. Then leave 3 loops on the left, and in each row knit 4 times 4 loops. After 29 cm, half of the hood will be tied. From here, knit symmetrically. Decrease where you added and vice versa. Tie 4 rows on the front edge with the main pattern for the plank. Make the lace to a suitable length and insert it into the placket.
