If you have excellent eyesight, but you dream of photographing with stylish and beautiful glasses, do not rush to spend money on glasses that you do not need for anything other than photo shoots. You can decorate yourself with glasses using the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop - they can be drawn so skillfully that the photo will look authentic, and no one will guess that the glasses in the photo are fake.

Step 1
Download Photoshop and open a photo in which your face is depicted in front, clearly and large. On the toolbar, select the Rounded Rectangular Tool option to draw a rectangle with rounded edges.
Step 2
Then, with the full filling of the rectangle with black, create a new layer and on a new layer draw a small rectangle over the eye in the photo, equal to the size of one eyepiece of the glasses. Double click on the new layer to open the Layer Style section where you can add some layer effects.
Step 3
Select the Bevel and Emboss tab and set the Inner Bevel Smooth values with a depth of 241 and a size of 13. Then reduce the opacity to 30% - the rectangle will look like a translucent glass with a glare.
Step 4
Duplicate the eyepiece layer (Duplicate Layer) and reopen the Layer Style editing section - this time in the Bevel and Emboss tab set the style values to Stroke Emboss and Chisel Hard, set the depth to 241, and the size to 2 pixels. Go to the Stroke tab, set the size to 1 pixel, set the stroke position to Inside and make sure you have black selected.
Step 5
Select the layer with the eyepiece of the glasses by clicking on it while holding down the Ctrl key, and then open the Select -> Modify section and select the Contract item with a small value. Create a new layer and fill the selection with black and white linear gradient, then lift the layer up. Set the layer blending mode to Screen, and reduce the opacity to 40%.
Step 6
Select the Elliptical Shape Tool from the Toolbox and draw a small oval in the region of the bridge of the nose with black color on the inside of the eyepiece, and then select the Line Tool and gently connect it with an oblique line to the frame. For convenience, you can zoom in on the photo.
Step 7
Duplicate the eyepiece layer and flip it horizontally (Flip Horizontal), and then use the move tool to place the second eyepiece on the second eye. Now create a new layer and select the Pen Tool option from the toolbar, draw a bridge between the eyepieces on the bridge of the nose with the same thickness as the frame. Then draw the arches of the glasses and merge the layers.