Carp is always a worthy reward for an angler and many want to get such a trophy. For carp fishing, it is important not only to choose the right bait, use a strong line and a good hook, but also have a reliable rod. Let's try to figure out how to choose a rod for carp. What do you need to know for this and what to look for?

Step 1
Carp are not predators, therefore they prefer reservoirs rich in plant food. It lives in ponds, lakes and wide river creeks with stagnant water or slow currents. Carp is not very simple, because it is not for nothing that it is called "water fox". Caught, he can cut the line with his dorsal fin, but more often he tries to leave, making a sharp and powerful dash. A properly selected carp rod will help to avoid these troubles. Carp is a careful fish, does not let close to itself, likes to feed near thickets of reeds and reeds, so the rod should be long enough. Choose a 5 - 6 meter long carp rod so as not to frighten the fish away.
Step 2
Since in anticipation of a bite you have to hold the tackle for a long time and it is desirable to hold the tackle motionless, the weight of the rod is of great importance. It should be as small as possible. The correct selection of the material from which the rod is made will help in this. For carp fishing, it is better to choose a rod made of carbon fiber. Along with its strength and rigidity, this material is much lighter than others, so your hand will be less tired.
Step 3
Stiffness determines the shape and degree of bend of the tackle when playing fish or the so-called action of the rod. For fishing this type of fish, a medium-hard rod is best suited. This will give the necessary elasticity when jerking, and not a very large bend will allow the carp to be guided in the right direction and will not give him the opportunity to entangle the tackle in the reeds.
Step 4
It is advisable to choose a carp rod with fewer knees. The knee joint should be tight and overlap approximately 1/6 of the knee length. This will create additional strength along the entire length of the rod.
Step 5
The tip of the rod is better to choose a combination, half solid, half hollow. This will prevent the rod tip from “pecking” the water strongly during a sharp cast and will reduce the possibility of its breakage.