Often, indoor plants - and especially tropical ones - are sorely lacking in light. In northern latitudes, even during summer, light conditions can be inappropriate for many species. The problem can be easily solved with artificial lighting.

It is necessary
Fluorescent lamps, reflectors
Step 1
Place your lighting rigs wisely. Incorrectly positioned lamps will cause the plants to waste additional resources to get closer to the light source, causing the stems to bend. Hanging lamps too high will result in a lack of light, but since many plants grow significantly in length over time, it is advisable to take care of the movable structures in advance. Provide the ability to adjust the height of the fixtures.
Step 2
Place the main light source above the top leaves at a height of 20 cm for light-loving plants and 55 cm for shade-loving plants, respectively.
Step 3
When installing a floodlight lamp, direct the light perpendicular to the plants.
Step 4
Change the angle of incidence of light depending on the season. The right angle of incidence of light from the lamp on the ceiling resembles the summer sun. You can simulate winter lighting by placing the lamps at an angle.
Step 5
For additional lighting of potted plants, be sure to use reflectors (reflectors). Unfortunately, finding a good reflector in hardware stores is quite difficult. But you can get a portrait reflector from a photography store, or make your own reflective surface.
Step 6
Be sure to calculate the total power of the installed bulbs when calculating their required number. To do this, you need to know the average level of natural light in the room and how much light your plants need.
Step 7
Light-loving plants include succulents, palms, jasmine, roses, hibiscus, bougainvillea, gardenia. They need powerful lighting - at least 15,000-20,000 lux (Lx). Moderate lighting - about 10,000-20,000 Lx - is necessary for bromeliads, caladiums, begonias, and ficuses. Finally, a weak illumination of 5000 Lx is enough for geranium, begonias, balsam, anthurium.
Step 8
Never install conventional incandescent bulbs! Firstly, they shine with yellow light, and their spectrum is not able to start the process of photosynthesis, since there is no blue color in it, and secondly, they heat up very much and generate too much heat, which can cause the plant to burn.
Step 9
Give preference to fluorescent lamps of the LB or LBT category. Professionals in their field use special phytoluminescent lamps, but an amateur should think carefully about whether to buy them - their pinkish lighting is harmful to human eyes.