The first coats of arms appeared in the 12th century. They served as an identification mark for knights who, in armor, were not recognizable to those around them. Such identification marks were located on shields, raincoats, as well as on the seals with which letters were signed. Gradually, a whole science of composing coats of arms appeared - heraldry (translated from Latin heraldus-herald), which contains a set of rules and norms for their compilation. Adhering to certain requirements, rowing, you can draw yourself.

Step 1
The basis of the coat of arms is a shield. It can have a different shape, contain one or several fields (up to 200), be cut, beveled or crossed by straight, broken or curved lines. It is also sometimes decorated with wings or floral designs.

Step 2
For coloring shita, enamel and metal are traditionally used. There are two metals - silver and gold. They will be displayed in white and yellow. There are five enamels: scarlet (red), azure (blue), green (green), purple (magenta), black (black). It is also allowed to use shades of these colors. When the shield is colored, the rule applies: metal does not adjoin metal, but enamel with enamel, that is, yellow and white inserts should be interspersed with any color of enamel.

Step 3
The next step is to select a picture to be placed on the shield. Images or heraldic figures are divided into two: heraldic types (lines, crosses, circles, squares) and non-heraldic. The latter, in turn, are divided into natural (plants, animals, birds),

Step 4
mythical (dragons, unicorns, griffins),

Step 5
artificial (cars, buildings, tools, objects).

Step 6
It is customary to put a motto on the coat of arms. Initially, it was a summary of some outstanding event, which gradually acquired more symbolic meaning. The motto can be a dictum, a catch phrase or the name of a place written in any language. However, the color scheme of the motto must match the coat of arms.

Step 7
The resulting coat of arms can be supplemented with a helmet, both knightly and motorcycle (at the discretion of the compiler) or crown The helmet is often crowned with a pommel in the form of various figures, feathers, horns or wings.

Step 8
The coat of arms may have a base, along the edges of which there are shield holders, which were traditionally used as mythical animals. But for a modern coat of arms, you can use everything that is enough for imagination.