The Saddest Love Movies

The Saddest Love Movies
The Saddest Love Movies

Every year, hundreds of new films about life, love, and death are released in all countries of the world. Merry and sad, for adults and children. What makes people leave their usual activities and go to the cinema to watch a sad movie about love, which, as those who have already watched it, say, makes everyone in the audience cry? Probably the fact that in everyday life so often there is not enough romance and intensity of emotions.

The saddest love movies
The saddest love movies

How sad movies are made

When starting to create a film, its authors certainly hope for the box-office success of their creation, for its high rating. One of the known ways to achieve this is to touch the emotional sphere of a person, make him empathize, cry. As a rule, such feelings are caused by films about human relationships, unhappy love or death.

After watching a sad film, although having cried throughout the entire session, the person will recommend others to watch it, warning that the film is heavy. And so the rating of the film grows.

This is how the saddest films are made. And people watch them, the ratings of these films are often very high. What makes people watch movies that cause tears? Different reasons. Such films, if made with high quality, shock people, make them empathize, and this is an indicator of the success of the film.

Films that do not touch the soul, do not stir up feelings, do not have box-office success, although there is no need to cry over them.

Why do people watch sad movies

People love emotionally difficult films for various reasons: it is important for someone to see and understand that some are even worse than him; others want to watch a movie in order to feel that he is lucky, everything is not so in his life.

A hard film is not so bad: tears are a good psychological release, and not only for women, but sometimes for men as well.

There are films that make the stronger sex cry. True, most likely, this will be a film not about love, but about death.

In general, the perception of the film is very individual: someone will cry uncontrollably while watching an Indian film about love, others - more often men - will laugh at the heroes of the melodrama and be surprised at the tears of their companion. And even well-made serious films will cause different reactions in people, depending on personal life experience, depth of feelings, emotionality of a person.

Love stories

Love stories usually evoke the strongest response in the soul. Love is multifaceted: it is a relationship between two people; these are the stories of parents and children who have often lost each other; it is the love of people who have been separated by death or illness; love of a person and an animal living next to him. Life provides a sea of stories for screenwriters and film directors.

As a rule, it is films that are based on real or truly believable stories that have huge success. Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", embodied in the film, has become a classic of the genre, making people of different generations cry for decades.

Plots about love are regularly shown in cinemas. The story of a girl who was abandoned by a guy and she went to work for a genius dying of leukemia, fell in love with him, is told in the film "Die Young", 1991.

The story of the life of a doctor, whose wife died tragically in Venezuela, became the basis of the film Dragonfly, 2002. The doctor tries to immerse himself in work to survive the grief, but suddenly feels the presence of his wife in the house. The main character thinks that his wife communicates with him through the dragonflies flying into the house, which she loved so much and who were her talisman.

“The Man and His Dog”, 2008. The film tells the story of a 74-year-old man, abandoned except for a dog, who decided to throw himself under a train. The dog saves the owner, not letting him die.

To list all the films, and even more so, to convey the feelings that they cause, no one will succeed. Professionally made films with actors who brilliantly played their characters are impossible to retell, they just need to be watched.

Life, love, unhappy love, death, human relationships are the source from which creative people draw inspiration, creating their masterpieces.
