Cooking Tar Soap With Your Own Hands

Cooking Tar Soap With Your Own Hands
Cooking Tar Soap With Your Own Hands

Both store-bought and homemade tar soap can be of great help in combating purulent skin rashes - inflammation, pimples and acne. Moreover, you can prepare this cosmetic with your own hands at home.

Cooking tar soap with your own hands
Cooking tar soap with your own hands

The first stage of making tar soap

You will need the following ingredients:

- 1/2 teaspoon of jojoba oil;

- 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of birch tar;

- 100-150 grams of transparent soap base, which is sold in almost every perfume store.

First, cut the soap base into small, small cubes and place them in a deep bowl. Then you need to melt the product in a water bath or, even easier, in the microwave. The main thing here is to warm up the soap base, and not bring it to a boil, so do not leave the product heating up for too long.

If the soap base boils, it can simply lose its main beneficial properties.

Then add jojoba and birch tar to the resulting substance and mix well all the ingredients until a completely homogeneous consistency.

Take a pre-prepared mold of the desired size and pattern and pour the resulting mixture into it. Do not be afraid that the product did not work if air bubbles appear on the surface of the homemade soap. They can be easily removed using a spray bottle with diluted alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Simple water in this case will not be able to cope with the bubbles, and a large amount of liquid will harm the perfume product at all.

The final stage of preparation

You should not add fragrances and other essential oils that are required for an ordinary product to tar soap, since birch tar itself has a pronounced odor. Although the aroma of this component is quite specific and not pleasant to all people, it is still worth using soaps based on it, since it is impossible to overestimate the benefits of tar for human skin.

The setting time for homemade tar soap is about 30-40 minutes, after which it should easily separate from the mold.

It is not necessary to immediately take the product and run with it to the bathroom, since the soap should lie down for a day, after which it will become completely ready for use.

The resulting soap will make the skin silky, relieve flaking and minor irritations. In addition, a person who has chosen the home cooking method, and not buying soap in a store, can be sure of the safety of the product and the accuracy of the constituent ingredients. This is especially true for people with hair conditions such as dandruff.

It is important to preserve the positive properties of tar soap and the place of its storage. The homemade product is best placed in a plastic bag for storage and protected from direct sunlight, preferably even a dark place.