Which Stone Is Right For Gemini?

Which Stone Is Right For Gemini?
Which Stone Is Right For Gemini?

Stones are excellent carriers of a certain energy. And a properly selected stone can strengthen positive or weaken negative energy, balance the imbalance of internal forces, weaken negative and strengthen positive character traits, help in business, and bring good luck. Choosing a gift for the sparkling, but changeable Gemini, you can opt for the talisman stone of this zodiac sign.

Which stone is right for Gemini?
Which stone is right for Gemini?

Variegated agates are the best stone for Gemini

The versatile and changeable nature of Gemini does not tolerate constancy and monotony. Therefore, these children of the beginning of summer like a motley agate stone like no one else. This mineral is not classified by color or pattern, but is distinguished by an amazing variety of colors and originality of pattern. You can find mossy, frosty, iridescent, fiery, cloudy agates.

Some specimens of variegated agate for 1 sq. cm contain over 7000 layers.

Despite its great originality and variety, agate is a very inexpensive semi-precious stone. But democratic Gemini are not at all embarrassed by such a detail, because external respectability for them is not in the first place.

Traditionally, agate is a symbol of health, courage and longevity, protects against the intrigues of enemies, gives its owner additional charm, pleasantness in communication. The name is translated from Greek ahates as "happy". This stone protects against energy vampirism, which is very important for sociable and gullible Gemini.

Some specimens of variegated agate for 1 sq. cm contain over 7000 layers.

Life-giving beryl - energy supply

Beryl is the second suitable stone for Gemini. Its varieties - aquamarine, emerald, goshenite, heliodor, morganite, etc. differ in a variety of shades - from light green to pinkish. It depends on mineral impurities - manganese, iron, chromium or magnesium.

The East, well versed in stones and their esoteric characteristics, classifies beryl as a magical mineral. It is believed that beryl removes negative energy from the body and endows a person with life-giving forces, helps to maintain fortitude. In order for Gemini to increase brain activity and intellectual abilities, one must carry an amulet or other jewelry with beryl, for example, a ring.

Amber - Gemini's love talisman

Amber is one of the best talismans that bring love, happiness and good luck, it helps to make the right choice in love and friendship, gives consolation and hope. This stone also helps spiritual insight. And therefore it is very suitable for Gemini, as people prone to a little superficial perception of the world.

Amber is especially useful for Gemini women as an amulet that protects them from the evil eye and protects the expectant mother and child during pregnancy. You can wear a gold ring in the shape of a snake with amber as a symbol of wisdom and longevity.
