More and more parents are inclined to think that for the formation of a harmonious personality of a child, not only moral, but also close physical contact with the mother is necessary. These mothers completely or partially refuse to use the stroller and carry the baby in a sling. Modern stores of children's goods offer a wide selection of a wide variety of slings, but it is much more economical to sew a sling backpack yourself.

It is necessary
- - front and back material 45 cm each (with a width of 1.5 meters);
- - insulation (synthetic winterizer, batting or foam rubber) - 9x34 cm (2-3 layers);
- - sling 5 cm wide - 2.5 meters;
- - fastexes;
- - suitable threads;
- - a needle;
- - sewing machine.
Step 1
First, determine the individual dimensions of the sling. Measure your waist in the most voluminous clothes and add 25 cm - this will be the length of the waist strap. To find out the width of the back, measure the distance between the knees of the sitting child, while grabbing the bottom.
Step 2
Find a good sturdy fabric for the front (corduroy, denim, or heavyweight suiting) and lining. It is desirable that the fabric does not stretch and be thick enough. Also buy a synthetic winterizer, batting or thin foam rubber, you will need 2-3 layers of 9x34 cm each.
Step 3
Cut the back into two rectangles, the first (upper part of the back) with a height of 40–45 cm and a width of 35–40 cm, and the second (lower part of the back) with a length of 40–45 cm. For the back, also cut out the insulating parts.
Step 4
Cut out the straps (straps width - 9 cm, length - 44 cm) so that you have two pieces each from the face fabric, from the lining fabric and from the insulation.
Step 5
Start sewing the straps. Sew the workpieces from the lining and front fabric, insert the sling into the end, deepening 2-3 cm, and sew the end in the form of a trapezoid. Unscrew the strap, insert the insulation inside and sew in the middle.
Step 6
Sew the front and back of the back by inserting the seal inside. Sew in the straps neatly at the level of your waist. Sew wide shoulder straps a little higher at an angle of 45 degrees to the back. Bend the upper part of the backrest and insert the strap into it for a more secure attachment of the child.
Step 7
Decorate the lower part of the back by connecting the front and back parts with the seal. Sew the slings into the ends, deepening 2-3 cm.
Step 8
Finish shaping the back by joining all the pieces together. Sew again all the attachment points of the straps and lines.
Step 9
Put the fastexes on the lines and do the first fitting with your child. Choose a comfortable position and adjust the length of the straps using the buckles, bend and fasten the ends of the lines.