Hyacinth is a beautiful delicate flower. And although in the conditions of the middle lane, hyacinths bloom in late April - early May, but their flowering can be achieved in winter.

For forcing, well-ripened, healthy bulbs with a diameter of 5 cm are selected, placed in a warm place for better ripening. In the first ten days, the temperature must be maintained at 20 degrees, in the next 10 days it is increased to 30, and then again reduced to 20 degrees, and in this mode the bulbs are kept for up to three weeks.
The timing of planting in pots largely depends on the timing of distillation. To get flowers in December - January, the bulbs are planted in early September, and in February - March they are planted in November. The pots should not be very small. They plant 1 onion in a mixture of sod, humus soil and clean river sand (2: 2: 1). At the bottom of the pots, drainage is made from the shards with the concave side down, sand is poured on top with a layer of 1 cm. The pot is filled with soil up to half, slightly compacted. An onion is placed in the center and the earth is poured, so that 1.5-2 cm remains to the top; then watered abundantly. Correctly planted, it is considered when it protrudes above the soil surface by 1, 5-2 cm.
Containers with bulbs must be installed in a dark, cool room, preferably with good ventilation. The pots are covered with peat or covered with moss in a layer of 10 cm. At this time, the bulbs are usually not watered.
Hyacinths begin to germinate 40 to 45 days after planting. But they should be brought into a warm room only when the sprouts reach a height of 5 cm and take root. In the first 2 weeks of distillation, the plants are covered with opaque paper (caps are folded out of it), in order to slow down the growth of the leaf mass, and vice versa, to accelerate the growth of the flower arrow. The temperature in the room is maintained at 12-13 degrees for the first 2 days, then 23-24. When the hyacinths bloom, the temperature is lowered to 10 degrees. In such conditions, flowering will be longer.
Watering forcing hyacinths is carried out regularly, but this should be done very carefully so that water does not get between the leaves into the neck of the bulb, otherwise the flower may rot.
In such conditions, the plants are left until the leaves completely die off, and then transferred to the cellar. Watering is also reduced. At the end of June, the bulbs are removed from the dishes, cleaned of dry scales and stored as usual. But for subsequent distillation, these bulbs are suitable only 2 years after growing in the open field.