On the eve of the weekend, the question always arises: how to spend the weekend? And if you also have a small child, the question becomes more complicated: you need to organize a pleasant pastime not only for yourself, but also for a small member of the family. How interesting is it to spend a weekend with your family in winter? On the occasion of the long-awaited first snow, the children are unimaginably happy. And you need to use this to your advantage and organize many interesting and educational games with children. From such games your family will not only enjoy, but also strengthen their health, being in the fresh air.

According to psychologists, joint games with children enable adults and children to enjoy communication with each other, bring them closer, spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy their need for communication with loved ones, and strengthen children's confidence in their own strength. Here are three games, choose the right one for your family.
The game "Building a snowman"
You can build a snowman with children from two years old. This game is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. You can build a snowman on a warm winter day when the snow is wet and sticky. Roll three large balls of different sizes out of the snow: for the lower level, a large ball; for medium - a little less; for the head of the snowman - a small ball. Make a snowman out of ready-made snowballs by placing the balls on top of each other.
In the top ball, into the snowman's head, stick a carrot in the middle - this will be the snowman's nose, make eyes from pebbles or pieces of coal, draw a mouth with a coal, or insert berries from trees (mountain ash, hawthorn). Place an old saucepan, mayonnaise bucket, or hat on the snowman's head. Make snowman sticks out of dried grass. The snowman is built! If you wish, you can further decorate the snowman: tie a scarf around his neck, stick a broom near the snowman, or hold a broom in your hands.
Game "Snow Fortress"
Children of all ages are passionate about building a snow fort. Your imagination and the imagination of your child will help to build a snow fortress. You can build a snow fort by using a bucket, stuffing snow into it and stacking it in a specific place as a fort wall. It is possible to build the walls of the fortress from rolled balls. Some children like to jump into the middle of a snowdrift and build a fortress there, breaking through passages or clearing them with a shovel.
Snow cakes game
The game is intended for children of two, three years of age. Take with you for a walk various molds and toys in the form of plastic animals. Stuff these molds with snow. Decorate snow treats with berries from trees, dried grass, pebbles. Snow cakes are ready. Treat the snowman and animal toys with a snowy treat.