Misconceptions About Magic

Misconceptions About Magic
Misconceptions About Magic

What is magic? Someone opposes it to science, someone confuses it with tricks, someone considers it to be the lot of the elite. Most people are skeptical about various magical practices, but at the same time they are interested in fortune telling, talismans and love spells. But what if people's opinion of magic is based on prejudice and cinematic clichés?

Jack O'Latern, symbol of witchcraft
Jack O'Latern, symbol of witchcraft

Magic doesn't exist


If magic is all about throwing fireballs and other fantasy special effects, you're right, it doesn't exist. But if you are interested in rituals and customs, the relationship of cause and effect, the limits of human capabilities and philosophical inferences, welcome to the club!

People who have been practicing magic for a long time strive for harmony and understanding of the world order. They are not interested in nonsense like love spells and cuffs, curses and astral battles. Magic for them is the creative process of realizing their unity with nature, the search for the sacred in the ordinary, a way to make the world around them a little more interesting place to live.

Doing magic is dangerous


Hello again to filmmakers and popular fantasy writers with their vampires, werewolves, terrible grave monsters and mysterious poltergeists. Of course, we live in a strange and incomprehensible world, over the riddles of which scientists and philosophers are still struggling. But not a single magician has yet been killed by a zombie.

There is a certain amount of danger in practicing magic, but the threat does not come from supernatural creatures, but from people themselves. Practitioners of magicians are not the embodied ideal of goodness and justice and often have all the same weaknesses and vices. An unscrupulous teacher can deceive you or force you to do something immoral and even illegal. Be conscientious and don't let imaginary authorities drag you into trouble!

Only initiates can learn magic


If teachers said at school: “Only initiates can study physics,” there would be no scientists. Everything works the same with magic. There are separate directions and disciplines, both applied and theoretical. Certain practices do require a certain amount of knowledge and state of mind. Some people like to call the achieved level of knowledge an initiation or some kind of step. But no one has the right to restrict another's thirst for knowledge.

Magic is black and white


And also purple speckled. People can commit good deeds and evil, proceed from the motives of self-interest or justice, but this does not make them black or white. It's the same with magic.

The magician is obliged to serve humanity


This misconception is especially prevalent in thematic forums. Some novice will go there, see the prices for classes from a tarot reader or another teacher and immediately demand social justice.

But the magician does not owe him anything, and therefore has the right to dispose of his time as he wishes. With the amendment to the current legislation, of course. Since the law does not stipulate prices for magical services in any way, requiring free sessions or classes is a waste of time and nerves.


Alas, getting rid of stereotypes is difficult. But if you are seriously interested in magic, your perception and vision of the world is guaranteed to change. Ready?
