What To Take With You To The Wedding For The Bride

What To Take With You To The Wedding For The Bride
What To Take With You To The Wedding For The Bride

A torn off button, a hole in the tights, floating mascara … all these are trifles, but they can greatly ruin the bride's mood. So that such nonsense does not spoil the whole celebration, which has been preparing for more than one day, the bride just needs to properly assemble the bag!

What to take with you to the wedding for the bride
What to take with you to the wedding for the bride

What bride does not dream that her wedding will be perfect … But, despite the many days of searching for the best dresses, shoes, a comfortable banquet hall and the most charming host, as well as a large amount of money spent on all this, the mood on this day can be ruined by the most ordinary a minor nuisance such as an applique that came off the dress or an attack of allergies caused by exotic flowers. To prevent this from happening, pack the following items in your bag:

1. Passports (without them, registration at the registry office simply will not take place).

2. Rings (without rings you will be registered, but it will be so offensive if the long-awaited jewelry is not in the hands of the bride and groom at the right moment).

3. Mobile phone and charger for it (and not at all in order to receive congratulations, but for urgent coordination with parents and guests). By the way, do not forget to top up your account on the eve of the holiday!

4. A needle and thread (to match the color of the bride and groom's outfits) in case of loose straps on the dress or buttons on the shirt.

5. Small nail scissors and a nail file, to urgently solve the problem of a broken nail from the bride or her bridesmaid, as well as to neatly cut the threads (see item 4).

6. First aid kit. Place allergy pills, pain relievers, activated charcoal, and a bottle of water in a small box or bag so you can drink it all down. You may also need a regular and bactericidal patch (in case the smart shoes rub your feet), an iodine pencil or another disinfectant in an easy-to-use package.

7. Plenty of wet and regular wipes and hygiene items.

8. Spare tights (or stockings, socks) for the bride, as well as a pair of men's socks matching the color of the groom's suit.

9. A spare pair of shoes for the bride (low or flat).

10 Hairpins, invisible hairpins, a comb and hairspray to fix a bride's or her bridesmaid's hairstyle.

11. Keys to the apartment.

12. A little cosmetics to fix your makeup (powder, matting wipes, lip gloss or lipstick, eye shadow, nail polish, pencils for eyebrows and eyes, mascara), perfume and deodorant in a compact package.

13. Money (even if everything is paid in advance, still take a small amount that you may need for a taxi or urgent purchase).

14. Umbrella (choose an umbrella to match the color of the wedding dress or transparent, but in principle, any will do).

15. Jacket, sweater or shawl, even if the weather forecast predicts African heat for the next month.

collect all the necessary things not on the wedding day, but on the eve, but rather a couple of days before the celebration.
