Rape: A Medicinal Herb, Not Just A Weed

Rape: A Medicinal Herb, Not Just A Weed
Rape: A Medicinal Herb, Not Just A Weed

The genus Rarepka comes from the Cabbage family. From Europe, where the rape grows everywhere, it spread to Asia, including Eastern Siberia, Africa, North America, Japan, Australia. That is, the plant can live almost anywhere. The people have several more names: outdoor grass, ragweed, nag, doggie, yellowberry.

Rape: a medicinal herb, not just a weed
Rape: a medicinal herb, not just a weed

In Europe, the rape was christened the herb of St. Barbara. In honor of the Christian Great Martyr, whom her father, for her special beauty, imprisoned in a tower to hide from prying eyes until the time of her marriage.

Rape is a perennial herb. Its height ranges from 30 to 80 cm. It has a bare or slightly fluffy stem and golden yellow flowers. Since one plant can reproduce up to ten thousand seeds, the rape spreads very easily. So that weed her labor, practically useless.

But experienced gardeners are advised to weed out not all the weeds growing in the property. Some of them need to be transplanted into uncultivated corners of the garden in order to use their healing properties later. For not every weed is a harmful plant. Among them there are those that bring invaluable benefits to the human body. You just need to be able to use them correctly and wisely.

Common Rape belongs to this genus of plants. It blooms in spring and early summer, blooms for about a month, then begins to bear fruit in June-July.

In the Caucasus and central Russia, you can see flooded meadows or whole fields strewn with rape. Of course, with such an extensive and rapid distribution, the plant is a weed. It infests winter grain crops, perennial grasses, orchards and vegetable gardens.

But this weed has some medicinal potential. First of all, the plant is a wonderful honey plant. It is in great demand among bees due to the huge amount of pollen during flowering, which increases productivity. A one-hectare field, overgrown with rape, allows bees to produce between 35 and 50 kg. honey.

Useful properties of rape

All parts of the plant are used for therapeutic purposes:

  1. The antiseptic properties, as well as the diuretic effect, which the roots of the rape have, allow making infusions and decoctions from them, which are an auxiliary remedy for infertility, prostatitis, sexual dysfunctions and other ailments.
  2. Rape leaves are popular with culinary specialists. This spice gives the dishes a special aroma and pungency. The juice squeezed from the leaves and stems of the rape has a disinfecting property. Organic acids and vitamin C, which are rich in rape, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.
  3. From the beginning of spring until the very end of autumn, you can collect and dry the flowers of the rape. Decoctions of them have a beneficial effect on the urinary, nervous, and immune systems of a person.
  4. The seeds of the plant contain thioglycosides, substances that can successfully deal with bacteria. They also have the properties of increasing a person's appetite, strenuously producing gastric juice. Infusions and decoctions from rape seeds are used to relieve inflammatory processes. In addition, the seeds of the plant contain oils used for the manufacture of bakery products. They are useful in asthenic syndrome and in cases of dysfunction of the nervous system.
  5. Rape is used for hypovitaminosis, scurvy, edema, paralysis, heart attacks, strokes, epilepsy.

Rape is an excellent remedy for male tone

From TV screens, men are offered a huge variety of drugs designed to solve their sexual problems. These drugs are made by the best pharmaceutical companies on the planet, tested in laboratories equipped with the latest devices.

But the earth has always given birth and gives birth to such plants that help to eliminate problems without resorting to the help of pharmacology. One of them is rape, a weed, the medicinal properties of which in relation to male sexual functions can hardly be overestimated today.

The condition of erectile dysfunction is familiar to millions of men. But only a few of them know what this means when translated from the scientific language. This is a manifestation of impotence, and here the rape is simply an invaluable plant for men. It eliminates hormonal disruptions, which may be accompanied by impaired sperm production, prostatitis, and manifestations of this very impotence.

In general, the plant is rich in substances that help men maintain their shape. Flavonoids, which are part of the rape, help to normalize the level of cholesterol in the body, strengthen both large and small vessels, the drink from the rape maintains blood flow to the genitals, which restores male potency.

Quercetin, which is part of the plant, is an antiseptic that is harmful to microbes. By helping to cope with infections, it improves spermatogenesis. Also, the ability to fight sexually transmitted infections helps to normalize the blood circulation process, strengthen immunity, it is easier to endure such negative phenomena as stress, as well as psychoemotional stress.

Rape is not a panacea for male problems. Everything written above only emphasizes the auxiliary function of the plant, which combines the components so necessary for men. It is important to be able to use them in a complex of measures aimed at eliminating the problems of male potency. Well, for this it is imperative to consult your doctor.

Broths, infusions of rape

  1. If spermatogenesis is impaired, it is useful to take rape juice. To do this, squeeze the stems, seeds, leaves and flowers of the plant crushed in a blender or meat grinder. It is necessary to take 50 ml. three times a day after meals for two weeks.
  2. In cases of impotence, the roots of the rape should be ground into powder and consumed 0.5 g twice a week with a small portion of water for three weeks. Positive changes will not be long in coming. The therapeutic effect occurs already at the beginning of therapy.
  3. Dried rape stalks and leaves, brewed in boiling water, lower blood pressure and increase vitality. Two tablespoons of dried herbs per 300 ml of boiling water must be infused for half an hour. This solution can be taken in a cup three times a day.
  4. A man experiencing pain during urination may well prepare the following tincture from the rape. Pour 20 g of dried leaves and herbs into a glass (200 ml of boiling water), then take a hermetically sealed container to pour the resulting composition into it.
  5. The undoubted benefits of the use of rape has been proven in the treatment of neurotic disorders, epilepsy, and getting rid of edema. To do this, you need to boil four tablespoons of plant leaves in a liter of water over very low heat for half an hour. After that, strain the broth, bring to the original volume and stand for eight hours. Then for two weeks, take the broth half an hour before meals four times a day, 50 ml.
  6. Tincture based on the herb of colza improves hormones, treats mastopathy and fibroids. Two tablespoons of dried plant leaves must be boiled for 20 minutes in a liter of water. Pour the resulting composition into an airtight container and keep in it for two hours. Here, the course of treatment is three months, and you need to take 50 ml four times a day.

Contraindications to the use of colza-based liquids

There are not many of them, but you definitely need to pay attention to this when using tea and rape broths. Contraindications are as follows:

  1. The moment of pregnancy and breastfeeding. At this time, it is better to abandon their use.
  2. It is necessary to test your body for the reaction that the components that make up the plant have on it. An allergy to rape is quite possible.
  3. In case of blood clotting disorders, it is also not recommended to use rape broths.
  4. It is not recommended to use colza solutions in the presence of stones in the bladder and kidneys. In this case, the diuretic effect of the plant can cause the stones to move, risking a blockage of the urinary tract. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the use of rape-based products, as they can be harmful.

In addition, the mustard oils contained in rape can cause diarrhea, and a large amount of seeds can lead to poisoning.