How To Fall In Love With A Taurus Boyfriend

How To Fall In Love With A Taurus Boyfriend
How To Fall In Love With A Taurus Boyfriend

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The Taurus man is gentle and sensitive, he quickly becomes attached to his beloved. His stubborn belief in ideal romantic love makes him look for one all his life, without losing hope of a quick victory. Being constant in feelings, he wants to be sure that he needs the one he loved. And if you can win his heart, this man will not be able to fight his feelings.

How to fall in love with a Taurus boyfriend
How to fall in love with a Taurus boyfriend


Step 1

Taurus is one of the men who admire female beauty. You will stop his eyes if you are well-groomed, elegant. Being able to look sexy is equally important because Taurus places great importance on sensuality. Arouse erotic desires in him.

Step 2

When he talks with you, look into his eyes, smile - let him understand that you are pleased with him. Say that talking to him makes you want to live. Even if you're unsure yourself, keep him confident that the emotional connection is enriching for people.

Step 3

If, after such a conversation, he invites you to dinner, you can continue to win his heart. Prepare dinner yourself (assuming you're good at it) and earn his respect as a great hostess. Taurus will appreciate the atmosphere of home comfort, he is a fan of the traditional, patriarchal way of life. He likes calm, balanced women, constant, economical.

Step 4

If you love nature and children, then this will win him over to your side even more: he evaluates women in terms of suitability or unsuitability for family life. However, excessive complaisance also loses in his eyes, so you can deny him sex on the first date.

Step 5

Spend as much time with him as possible, let him get to know you. Remember what worries him, what he loves, what is important to him. Be tactful and considerate. Beware of things that annoy the Taurus man.

Step 6

You should be economical and not try to live off of it. He is not stingy, although he seems so, but if you are really dear to him, he himself will pamper you on his own initiative.

Step 7

It is useless to sort things out with him. Better to remain silent or wait until another time. Aggression will scare him away.

Step 8

If you want a Taurus man to give you his heart, you must love him selflessly. Glances towards other men, your flirtation can hurt him, and he runs in pain. Feeling that you have deceived his expectations, he may immediately stop communicating.

Step 9

He will relax as soon as he realizes that you accept him as he is. He will get rid of the constant tension that usually causes the expectation of criticism and reproaches. If you see his mistakes and know how to fix them, shut up, think and find a way to talk about it delicately, hinting at a possible solution. Respect him. He will be very grateful to a woman who has no purpose to reshape him at her discretion. If you constantly saw and teach this type, he will do the opposite out of harm in order to prove who is in charge here. Remember: he is in charge.

Step 10

Even when he has already fallen in love, there will be no rush. He is slow, makes decisions for a long time, doubts a lot, analyzes the situation in detail and comprehensively. It is necessary for him to feel the lack of communication with you, then things will go faster. His affection grows over time, as soon as you notice that he cannot live without you.

Step 11

With all your might, confirm the idea that you are made for each other. Let him constantly be with you, see you, touch you. Even if at some point his persistent presence begins to weigh on him, do not frighten him with coolness, because he loves you.
