A pajama party is a great way for girls or young women to have fun, gossip, play and eat. Usually, friends get together all night, dress up in pajamas or home clothes and have fun get-togethers.

Today it is already quite difficult to say who exactly came up with the name "pajama party". Similar evenings in pajamas were held in many countries. In the Soviet Union, the tradition of wearing pajamas initially existed only among men. Moreover, pajamas were not only sleepwear, but also loose clothing for the home. Therefore, when neighbors wanted to visit friends in the evening, they did not change into other clothes, but came to visit directly in their pajamas. This is the origin of the tradition of having fun gatherings in these clothes. They supported her in hostels, children's and youth camps. At night, after lights out, girls and girls gathered in a friend's room and discussed the most interesting topics - study, boys, vacations. Games, beauty salons, delicious treats were also arranged there. However, the very name of such parties most likely came from American schoolgirls.
How are pajama parties organized
The pajama party, as the name suggests, takes place in a rather relaxed atmosphere. There is no need for her to dress smartly and look good, she does not need to cook complicated dishes, decorate the room and set the table. For a pajama party, light meals and snacks, all kinds of sweets and drinks are usually prepared. All this is laid out on plates, and each guest at the party can take whatever he wants. At the same time, guests are seated where it is convenient for them. Pajama parties can bring girls together on a bed, couch, or even blankets and pillows spread across the floor.
Each girl usually brings a sleeping bag and pillow with her if there are not enough sleeping places in the house. The parents of such a girl are usually absent from the house on this day, which gives a certain freedom of action. Girls can loudly turn on their favorite music, watch videos and films, play active games. The pajama party starts late in the evening and lasts until late at night. Then the tired girlfriends all go to bed together.
Party Games
At pajama parties, you can play any games that the assembled company knows. However, there are also traditional games for such parties. One of them is considered to be a pillow fight. As soon as one girl starts fooling around, others join her, and as a result, there is a noisy battle on the pillows. The main thing here is not to get hurt or break anything. Another popular home game is Twister, the field of which is laid out on the floor and you need to step on circles of different colors with your hands and feet. This game is suitable for both children and adults, it is noisy, accompanied by bursts of cheerful laughter. You can also play Guess the Melody, when you need to guess the song by several initial notes, and in a manicure bottle, which is twisted just like a real one, only instead of it they use nail polish, after which they paint the nails in the specified color. There are many other great games like Truth or Dare, Crocodile, board games and fun contests.