Since fishing in our country is a very common type of hobby, it is advisable for interested persons to carefully read the rules of this type of fishing. Indeed, in order for fishing to bring pleasure, and not problems with law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to clearly understand in what periods of time, in what places and in what way there are corresponding restrictions. Of particular interest is spinning fishing, which is associated with the huge popularity of this method of fishing.

Given the fact that fishing is different from fishing, it should be understood the differences between recreational and commercial fishing. Since it is spinning fishing in our country that has become most widespread, then this method of fishing should also be given increased interest in terms of prohibitive norms.
Typical prohibitions on amateur fishing
Noting the legal regulation of commercial fishing as irrelevant for spinning fishing, attention should be focused exclusively on those legislative nuances that may be directly related to this type of fishing. And there are a lot of such subtleties. For example, in the case of fishing for spinning, a situation may arise when fishing from the shore will be allowed, but when using a floating device capable of delivering a fisherman to an open part of the reservoir, such a ban will be relevant.

The most common prohibitions on recreational fishing include:
- it is strictly forbidden to use such tackle as nets, traps and electric fishing rods;
- the use of poisonous substances when fishing is excluded always and everywhere;
- the limitation on the number of hook tackle is up to ten pieces;
- you cannot fish in special water areas, which include locks, dams and water pumps.
By the way, it should be borne in mind that rare types of fish, which you must definitely familiarize yourself with, taking into account a specific region, are allowed to be caught only with a special license. But common types of fish can be caught without such permits. In addition, it should be understood that among the main part of the prohibiting rules, spinning fishing is not indicated at all. That is, in our country, this type of fishing does not have time restrictions (by time of day), and seasonal prohibitions can only apply to spring, when most fish species spawn.
However, these restrictions on fishing primarily concern commercial production. And for amateurs, the main thing to take into account is that fishing as a hobby cannot be prohibited by the very definition of the order of things. After all, no one can abolish the constitutional right to freedom of leisure. Therefore, in spring, when fishing is prohibited due to fish spawning without appropriate licenses, amateurs are allowed to use the following types of fishing devices:
- fishing rods with floats (homemade tackle is excluded);
- mugs and girders;
- tackle not exceeding the use of ten hooks.
Thus, prohibitions do not apply to recreational spinning fishing using permitted gear.
Features of spinning fishing during spawning
However, it should not be assumed that fishing using a spinning rod is allowed in the spring, when most of its species spawn. In this context, compliance with special standards still awaits the angler with the specified rig. Otherwise, you can receive a penalty in the form of a fine and confiscation of fishing tackle and other devices with which fishing was carried out.

Relevant rules for fishing with a spinning rod during spring spawning include the following:
- the use of any type of floating equipment, including boats and boats, is excluded; in this context, you can fish with a spinning rod only from the shore;
- fishing can be done with only one rod (spinning rod) and for tackle with one hook;
- fishing in special spawning grounds is categorically excluded by any means.
As a result of the above, fishing with a spinning rod in water bodies that are not spawning grounds can be carried out at any time of the day. In addition, in our country there is a list of places where it is generally forbidden to fish, including spinning fishing.
Restrictions on the weight and size of fish
Based on the foregoing, amateur spinning fishing in our country is possible almost everywhere and always. However, fishermen should take into account special fishing norms or quotas that relate to the weight of the catch and the size of the fish itself, violating which the fisherman automatically falls under penalties.
This kind of regulation of amateur spinning fishing includes the following norms:
- the daily allowance per person is determined in the amount of the catch, which cannot exceed five kilograms (except if the weight of the minimum catch (one fish) exceeds the indicated weight);
- the transportation of the catch should be carried out taking into account the transportation limit, which corresponds to the double daily rate.
Exceptions for the amount of catch and its transportation are such species of aquatic fauna as ruff, minnow and bleak.
In addition, you should always remember about the commercial type of fishing (even spinning), which is possible only with the appropriate license. Penalties for this type of fishing are the most punitive (fines, seizure of fishing tackle, and in some cases, criminal punishment).

In addition to the above norms for the weight of the catch and its transportation, special restrictions on the size of the fish should be adopted. In our country, this rule strictly applies to the fishing rules, which means only one thing - having caught a fish that exceeds the maximum permissible size, it must be immediately released into the reservoir.
It is necessary to take into account the following maximum parameters for the length of the fish:
- herring, trout and podust - no more than 15 cm;
- chub and barbel - no more than 20 cm;
- pike - no more than 32 cm;
- catfish and burbot - no more than 40 cm.
This list is not complete, but it takes into account the most popular types of fish in our country. In addition, the factor of regional regulation of the above norms will have to be taken into account.
Summing up the above-mentioned norms for the regulation of fishing for spinning, we can unequivocally state the fact that, in the framework of amateur fishing, the restrictions do not relate to the use of the spinning itself, but exclusively to the accompanying factors.

So, penalties in Russia apply to the following cases of prohibited recreational fishing:
- fishing during spawning - up to 30,000 rubles (takes into account regional characteristics);
- fishing during spawning for each fish (bream - 25 rubles / piece, carp, pike and carp - 250 rubles / piece);
- parking a vehicle near a reservoir is punishable by a fine of up to four thousand rubles (there is regional regulation);
- the use of prohibited means of fishing, which entailed an especially large amount of damage, imply a monetary fine in the amount of 100 thousand rubles or more. up to 300 thousand rubles. or imprisonment within the framework of criminal prosecution for a period of six months.
This list of penalties is not complete, but the most common penalties for our country are listed here.
Summarizing all of the above, we can state that the regime of maximum loyalty is applied to conscientious fans of spinning fishing in our country. In order to feel completely safe from the side of legal regulation, one should remember only a few rules that do not apply to the quality of this type of leisure.