When Can You Transplant Indoor Violets

When Can You Transplant Indoor Violets
When Can You Transplant Indoor Violets

Indoor violets are those flowers for which a frequent change of "place of residence" is vital. Therefore, if you want these plants to please you with abundant flowering for a long time, do not forget to transplant them in a timely manner.

When can you transplant indoor violets
When can you transplant indoor violets

Transplanting room violets at home

When to transplant a violet is a question that almost all novice flower growers ask themselves. The best time to transplant these flowers, like most others, is spring. After all, it is in spring that daylight hours increase, temperature fluctuations are minimal, air humidity is optimal. It will not be superfluous to note that these flowers tolerate transplanting well in autumn and winter, you just need to create certain conditions for their growth (install special lamps, air humidifiers, etc.) and properly care for the plants (water them in a timely manner, avoiding waterlogging soil).

Is it possible to transplant a blooming violet

Yes, you can transplant blooming violets, but when transplanting, be prepared to cut off all flowers, otherwise the plant may not take root in a new pot. It is necessary to cut off the peduncles as close as possible to the roots, this will help the plant to use all the energy for the development of new roots, which in the future will have a positive effect on the splendor and flowering of the violet.

In general, the transplant of violets should occur at least once a year, this will help to avoid many diseases of these plants. If you notice that the soil in the flower pot is covered with a whitish bloom, then do not delay the transplant, because this is the first sign of soil depletion, and if you do not take any measures, then soon the bush will become ugly: the leaves are crushed, the plant will not be able to bloom. Of course, at first you can limit yourself to all kinds of dressings, but the transplant is still inevitable.

Transplant of violets according to the lunar calendar

It is believed that violets take root more successfully and grow vigorously after being transplanted "to the growing moon". Therefore, if you are going to change the "place of residence" of a plant, then do not plan it for a waning moon or a new moon, since the rooting process may slow down significantly, or even not happen at all.