In many discos, regardless of their status and location, you can see dozens of charming girls, incredibly similar to each other in terms of style and demeanor. However, it is not so difficult to stand out in a crowd of beauties if you correctly emphasize your individuality and radiate positive.

It is necessary
- - club dance course
- - stylish clothes
- - money
Step 1
Any trip to the disco is dictated, first of all, by the desire to dance. If you are a lover of club life, the ability to dance will never be superfluous, so it is worth learning at least a little. Most fitness clubs today have club dance and strip plastic workouts. Even if you do not plan to do these areas professionally, such classes will help develop flexibility, lose weight and learn basic dance moves. Do not be afraid of the term "strip plastic": in such workouts, strippers are not trained at all. During these classes, the girl is helped to become more relaxed, better control her body and achieve grace and femininity. By the way, it is not necessary to go to the gym for dancing directions: you can practice on your own by turning on a DVD or a corresponding program on one of the specialized channels, or on the Internet.
Step 2
Choose the right clothing. Your disco outfit can be sexy and provocative, but it must also be in good taste. Use the principle of layering: put on a jacket, scarf or bolero, which can be removed at the disco. Try to stand out with interesting accessories and bold stylistic combinations. Preview photo reports about club life, fortunately, there are thousands of them on the Internet. Pay attention to how most girls look and try to dress a little differently. Your task is to stay in trend, but not look like hundreds of others. Remember that an interesting appearance and dissimilarity from the rest is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of passing any face control, at least for a girl. When creating an image, do not go too far in your desire to shock and try to avoid vulgarity. Everything that you are wearing should be not only original and fashionable, but also absolutely comfortable.
Step 3
There is no more depressing sight in a disco than a lonely young lady with a haughty face barely swaying to the beat of the music. Become positive, smile, have fun, behave naturally and at ease. Do not stand in one place, move around the dance floor, communicate with friends. You will not be the best at the disco if people around you see your efforts to achieve this goal. Just make sure that everyone around it is pleasant and comfortable to be with you, and then you will definitely be in the spotlight.