Coconut oil is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is universal for any skin type, is easily absorbed, smoothes fine wrinkles, protects from harmful sun radiation, softens rough skin on the heels. Prevents hair breakage when applied to hair. You can make coconut oil at home.

Step 1
Buy a coconut. The nut should be beautiful, with a clean shell. It should be free of mold, cracks and damage, especially on the "eyes". A layer of fibers should be removed from the nut, and the holes - "eyes", on the contrary, should be covered with fibers. When shaking the coconut, there should be a characteristic splash. This sound indicates the presence of a liquid inside the nut - coconut milk. If there is no such sound, then do not take such a coconut. Most likely? the integrity of the nut is damaged, the liquid has flowed out, and the pulp is spoiled.
Step 2
Using a screwdriver, awl, or sharp knife, carefully puncture two of the three holes in the place that secured the nut to the palm tree.
Step 3
Drain the coconut milk; you won't need it to make the oil.
Step 4
Chop the nut in half. To do this effortlessly, mentally draw an "equatorial line" (in the middle) on the coconut, then tap the circumference of the nut with a hammer. The resulting crack will break the coconut into two almost equal parts.
Step 5
Peel the flesh and cut into pieces. The shell can then be used as a pot or planter for indoor plants, or used as an ashtray.
Step 6
Rub the resulting pieces of pulp on a fine grater. If a high-quality nut was chosen, then at the beginning of the process of grinding the coconut pulp, fragrant oil will be released.
Step 7
Cover the coconut flakes with hot water. While stirring the shavings in water, knead them with your hands. After the resulting mass has cooled, put it in the refrigerator to solidify.
Step 8
The congealed coconut oil will rise above the liquid. Collect it.
Step 9
Melt the collected coconut oil in a water bath, bringing it to a liquid state. Strain it to remove any accidental pieces of coconut shells.
Step 10
Pour the finished coconut oil into a glass container. Cover with a lid. Store coconut oil in the refrigerator.