What amateur growers do not grow on their beds and windowsills, from prosaic cucumbers to outlandish palms. Recently, many have been trying to plant tropical plants at home, so the lemon or mango tree in the apartment is no longer surprising. But with coconut, things are not so simple.

Step 1
If you are looking to plant a coconut, the first challenge you will have to face is the acquisition of seed. A regular supermarket coconut is unlikely to sprout. The fact is that for consumption, coconuts are removed from the tree at the stage of milk maturity. Ripe coconut, on the other hand, has a tough, inedible pulp, and the liquid inside it acquires a not very pleasant smell.
Step 2
A way out of the situation can be a coconut brought from the southern latitudes, which had time to ripen and fell to the ground on its own. But in this case, do not flatter yourself too much. A coconut tree grows up to 30 meters in natural conditions, it is difficult to imagine a room in which it could fit. In addition, after a couple of years, most of the sprouts of the coconut palm do not withstand home conditions and die.
Step 3
If the above arguments did not scare you anyway, you stumbled upon a sprouted coconut in a flower shop and want to try to tame it, or you were brought a ripe coconut from the south, then why not.
Step 4
Dip the coconut halfway into wet peat with a soft eye up, cover with plastic wrap, heat it up to about 25 ° C and wait. Ventilate the fruit periodically to prevent mold growth. The coconut will take a long time to germinate, from 2 months to six months. But after that he will quickly grow.
Step 5
The pot for the coconut plant should be large, at least 12-15 liters. The soil should contain about 40% sand and you will have to maintain high humidity and temperature at all times. Dry air can cause coconut leaf tips to brown. Too hard water can also damage the leaves. On the other hand, overflow for coconut is also dangerous, the roots of the plant begin to rot.
Step 6
As you can see, growing coconut is not easy and the chances of success are not that great. But if you still manage to grow a palm tree from a coconut, you can confidently be ranked among the professionals among plant breeders.