How To Become A Mechanic In WOW

How To Become A Mechanic In WOW
How To Become A Mechanic In WOW

Engineering is a very popular and interesting profession in the WOW gaming world. Mechanics can create weapons, equipment, mechanical dragons and fun entertainment. In order to pump over engineering and get unique recipes, you will have to work hard.

How to become a mechanic in WOW
How to become a mechanic in WOW

World of Warcraft offers its players not only to pump the fighting skills of the character, but also to choose a profession for him. Having reached the tenth level in the game, you have the opportunity to make a tailor out of your magician or turn a gnome into a jeweler.

Engineering is inextricably linked to mining. You have to crawl through the mountains, extract ore. It is believed that the best mechanics are obtained from gnomes, dwarves, goblins. However, this profession will be useful for every race. It makes it possible to produce not only weapons, but also flying vehicles, motorcycles, Jeeves' repair robot.

How to become an engineer

To get started, visit a teacher and choose engineering as your major. Trainers can be found in any capital city: Dalaran, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, etc.

Study recipes, create products, upgrade your mechanic skill. At the 50th profession level, you must visit the teacher again and learn how to make explosives, pipes and sights.

After reaching level 125, the teacher will teach you how to create bombs and funny mechanisms, for example, an explosive sheep that blows up the enemy. Level 200 gives you the ability to produce ammo and bullets. Weapons will become available at level 320, and vehicles at level 450.

At the 200th level of the profession, you will have a choice of direction in which to develop further: gnomish or goblin engineering. They differ in the set of recipes and the vehicles produced.

As your character develops, new profession levels will become available. Unique blueprints are knocked out in raids, dungeons, or bought at auctions. By mining ore and stones for inventions, you will simultaneously pump mining.

The maximum level of professions in the game is 600. Upon reaching it, you will receive the title of "Zen Master".

Mechanic benefits

Any profession in WOW gives its bonuses. Mining, which often sways in parallel with engineering, increases armor stats.

Mechanics can craft nitro boosters that increase speed. Also in their arsenal there is a translator of nerve impulses, which allows you to control the enemy for several seconds. Bombs, mines, charges blow up enemies at a distance.

For fun, you can create mechanical pets: squirrel, cat, dragons. Their level will increase as you progress in the profession. And, of course, one of the main advantages of engineering is the ability to assemble a motorcycle, dragon or Jeeves robot, with which there is no need to visit a repairman. If desired, your inventions can be sold at auctions.
