Conspiracies For Completely Inconspicuous Coins

Conspiracies For Completely Inconspicuous Coins
Conspiracies For Completely Inconspicuous Coins

Everyone knows the saying: `` as simple as five cents. '' In fact, this coin is not so simple. A 5-teak coin can bring you happiness and prosperity. To do this, you need to prepare a coin and wait for the waxing moon. After all, it is the growing moon that is the most suitable period for performing all monetary rituals.

Conspiracies for completely inconspicuous coins
Conspiracies for completely inconspicuous coins

I present several ways to improve your financial situation.

1. Take a coin and put it on the left palm, reading a plot on it:

"Money to money, wallets to wallets. As the sun glows with light, so that my penny shines, brings money, gives joy. As it is said, so it is done. Be strong my words and firm actions. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."

The conspiracy must be read three times in complete silence. The conspiracy is valid for only a year, so remember this day in order to repeat it in a year, and carry the charmed coin with you all year.

2. You can also take any coin with the number 5. For example, 5 rubles. And putting it in the palm of your hand, say the same to her three times:

“As a hen rakes the earth under itself, my dear hugs her beloved, the dove's turtledove beckons, so I, the servant of God (your name), would attract money to myself, hold it tightly, invite me to myself. Neither a footman, nor a horseman, nor a bottomless rich man can turn them away from me. Amen, amen, amen."

This conspiracy has no statute of limitations. Keep this coin in your wallet in a secret pocket, do not give it to anyone or change it

3. Let's talk again about the 5-teak coin.

Often under our feet on the street we see 5-tecopeck coins and do not raise them, believing that they are no longer appreciated, but in vain. Because if you find a 5-teak coin, it’s luck. Such a coin can be considered a talisman. When you come home, put aside all your affairs and quietly say in a patch:

“Walked, walked, found a nickle. From now on, let the villain pass me by today, tomorrow, always. May it be so.

Carry this patch in your left pocket, or better sew it into your clothes on the left side. Good luck to you. And know that these 5-teak coins are not so simple.
