What Are The Conspiracies For A Successful Exam

What Are The Conspiracies For A Successful Exam
What Are The Conspiracies For A Successful Exam

It is not uncommon for a student to literally grab his head on the eve of the exam, annoyed that he does not know the subject as well as he would like. In such a situation, many do not see any other way out but to resort to conspiracies.

What are the conspiracies for a successful exam
What are the conspiracies for a successful exam

There are many fairly simple and effective rituals, ceremonies, conspiracies that help to successfully pass any exams. Not all of them are designed only for luck - there are quite a few of those that help you learn a difficult subject well or overcome your fear of the teacher.

Conspiracies for good luck when passing the exam

The exam is kind of a lottery. It also matters how the student studied, how well the teachers gave the material, what kind of relationship they had with them, whether there would be a memory lapse at the exam - from excitement, no one canceled the factor of luck.

Conspiracies and rituals for passing the exam can help to win this lottery - they exist in a large variety and for every taste.

A conspiracy to pass exams. The clothes, in which they are going to go to answer, are shaken three times, saying: “Whoever followed the Lord became His disciples. And I follow the Lord. Send me, Lord, good luck in teaching. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen . The clothes thus conspired are put on and sent to take the exam.

Before going to the exam, you should cross yourself and say: “I step over the threshold with my right foot, with God's help I know all the answers. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Before the start of the exam, you can feed pigeons on the street with bread. The words to say at the same time are: "Birds - bread, me - good grades."

Conspiracies in cases where the student has a bad relationship with the examiner

If the student is in a conflict relationship with the teacher who must take the exam, such a conspiracy can help out. On the eve of the exam, you need to remember all the good that is possible about the teacher. You can say it out loud. After that, the student must present the teacher standing in front of him, bow at his feet and at the same time say: "Thank you, (name), for science, for learning, for a good mark!" This can be repeated several times.

And this conspiracy can be read in front of the door, behind which the teacher is waiting: “I am going to the training course to answer, to defend knowledge. Whatever words I say, I will get all the praise! May it be so.

A conspiracy for an oral exam, if there are problems with the examiners: “The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is the lynx, and you, the servant of God (name), be afraid of me, (name). Amen.

And this one must be read, looking at the examiner from afar. They read in a whisper or to themselves: “Do not press, as the water presses on your chest, but take it on your chest, like your own father. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Words for passing the exam. Write the following text on paper without squares three times: “As the sky is bright on a clear morning, so my thoughts are bright and clear. As my father and mother regret and love, so will the teachers. Amen . You cannot show this conspiracy to anyone, read three times before leaving the house and the same number before entering the room where you will take the exam. Fold a piece of paper with a plot in half, inside with text, put in the left breast pocket.
