I wonder why an owl is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and experience? Why not a tit, for example? Or some kind of thrush? It's all about the unusual appearance of this forest bird of prey and its strange behavior. The owl has a rather large head, in which, for sure, all wise thoughts are placed. But the bird has almost no neck. Huge round unblinking eyes of the predator also fascinate. With them, the owl perfectly sees its prey in the dark: small rodents and birds. In general, the image of this bird is thoroughly saturated with secrets and secrets. You can verify this by drawing an owl on paper.

Step 1
First, you need to draw two circles that are almost the same in size. The top one should be split in half with a straight vertical line. It also needs to be divided into three more parts, only with the help of two horizontal lines.
Step 2
Now, with the help of rounded lines on the owl's head, it is necessary to show small triangular ears with which the bird hears any rustle in the forest, and fluffy cheeks
Step 3
On both sides of the lower circle (the trunk of a forest dweller), large round wings should be drawn. Rounded lines show the plumage of an owl. On the head of the predator, it is necessary to outline a place for its muzzle.
Step 4
In the lower part of the body of the predator, you need to draw its legs with sharp claws, with which the owl grabs its prey and even climbs trees. On the bird's face, draw large oval eyes and a small drop-shaped beak.
Step 5
Further, in the wide eyes of the owl, round pupils should be shown, and on the breast, with the help of several wavy lines, a plumage pattern can be depicted.
Step 6
Now it's time to remove all the extra pencil lines, thereby preparing the owl drawing for coloring.
Step 7
When coloring an owl, all shades of brown and gray are useful. The legs can be made red and the beak orange.