How To Knit Beret

How To Knit Beret
How To Knit Beret

Table of contents:


The relevance of knitted products does not at all depend on the whimsicality of such changeable fashion trends. For beginners and craftsmen, there are many patterns of varying complexity, according to which you can knit with knitting needles for a certain detail of the wardrobe.

How to knit beret
How to knit beret


Step 1

Before you start knitting, make a small sample for yourself to determine the density of the semi-patent pattern. The proposed scheme is designed for 11 loops and 15 rows, with a density in height and width of 10 cm. If there is any discrepancy between this sample and yours, calmly make your adjustments.

Step 2

With an auxiliary thread, which you must remove in the future, circle the thumb on your left hand. The main thread is drawn around the index finger of the same hand.

Step 3

Take knitting needles no. 3, 5 and, simultaneously with the auxiliary thread, make the first loop in the usual way: first, with a knitting needle, grab the thread of the main yarn directly under the auxiliary thread.

Step 4

The rest of the loops must be typed in the following way: pass the knitting needle under the yarn, and then under the auxiliary thread. Make sure that the loop comes out from under the yarn on your index finger. In total, you should get a loop of two threads.

Step 5

In the first row, remove the first loop and do not knit, but knit the second one with the front one. And so alternate until the very end of the row (88 loops).

Step 6

In the second row, remove the knitted loops, and knit the ones not knitted in the first row with the front ones.

Step 7

Knit the next 7 rows with an elastic band, alternating one knit with a purl.

Step 8

Take knitting needles No. 4, 5 and knit another 18 cm with a semi-patent pattern. To do this, the first row consists of an edge, front and yarn, then remove the loop and continue to the end of the row in the same way. The last loop should be knit. Start the second row with the hem, then knit with the front loop removed with the yarn, then the purl and front loop follow. Alternate these two rows with each other.

Step 9

When you knit 18 cm, make a decrease: grab 2 knit and 1 purl along with the front one, and then knit the next purl with a purl. And so on until the very end of the row.

Step 10

Next, make 3 more rows with the 1x1 elastic band.

Step 11

Sew the knitted product with a vertical knit seam, and stretch the bottom edge of the elastic with spandex.
